Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Mom forgot the flashy box on her desk at her day hunting gig, so there are no photos of me today.  They'd be pretty boring anyway. I napped while she read another book on her Kindle.  Remember this summer when she couldn't get enough of Inspector Gamache?  Well now she is hooked on a girl with a dragon tattoo who plays with fire and kicks hornet's nests! I'm not sure about this girl, but Mom just can't get enough, and my blogging has suffered as a result. 

Actually, if Mom's reading that much, pretty much everything around here suffers.  The dishes don't get done, the bed never gets made, Mom doesn't do any sewing... Don't worry about me though! I make SURE to get my stinky goodness and my Temp-tay-tions treats on time!



  1. Our Mom has a Nook. If she efur hooks up to it, time nor chores haf any meaning! Course, it makes fur lots of cuddlin time.

  2. You're being a real tattle tale today, aren't you Millie. Give your mom a break! You complain when she runs about like a made thing, now you seem to be complaining that she's taking life too easy. Relaxing with her Kindle is a fabulous way for her to spend more time. Absolutely fabulous. And as for you, you should be snuggled up right next to her keeping her company.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. The Selvage Fairy7:38 AM

    Your mom works really hard, and you have told us yourself that her back has been bothering her.
    I think she has finally learned from you how to relax and take care of herself.
    You should snuggle close, because purrs are well known to fix back problems.

  4. Oh Millie, our Mom also read those books and frankly the house went to the dogs. She even forgot to scoop our litter! So you better keep a careful eye on your Mom.

  5. Mom read those books too. Took forever, and in the meantime I didn't get hardly any computer time. :( What's a kitty to do besides snuggle up to them when they read.

  6. Your mom is showing signs of becoming a kitty cat Millie :)
    You should get closer to her to see if she is purring yet?

  7. If it means more cuddle time, don't fight it. Mum has been reading more too the past week. Testing out the new reading chair and all.

  8. Just falling in love with Inspector G. On the third book now, savoring (or should i say "savouring" it.
    Mom loves her kindle, but has downloaded so many freebies she can't keep up.
