Monday, December 12, 2011

Millie Monday

Lookit! The tree is here! The tree is here!  PlusOne came over yesterday and brought the tree upstairs from the dungeon. (I know it's the basement, but I think the word "dungeon" is a lot more interesting.)

PlusOne is very silly, but I like him. I don't run away when he is here. He may be silly, but he knows enough not to try to get too close to me.

It was a good day, and the Tree is up!  W00t!


  1. Looks like you were alot of help putting up that tree, pretty Millie! Looks good. Happy holly-daze.

  2. That looks so nice and Christmassy! Do you play with the tinsel, Millie? I would find it irresistible.

  3. You're right in the thick of things there, Millie, snoopervising PlusOne's efforts. He's a good chap for helping you put up the tree, isn't he? And an even better one for letting you test the branches before they were put in place.Fabulous effort one and all.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. How cool! I wish OUR tree was up!

  5. Our inside tree went up yesterday too. xx

  6. Now it is time for you to do your part and climb that tree Millie.

  7. OH, MY! PlusOne has gotten so tall. He is almost as tall as the tree! We are glad he came to help you and your Mom!

  8. I can't wait to see you "in" that tree Millie!

  9. We agree, dungeons are better than basements. Happy tree climbing.

  10. He's growing fast isn't he?
    What a good helper. Sometimes it takes the energy of a kid to get things done.
    We have a dungeon too. It's truly the only word that fits.
