Monday, November 28, 2011

Millie Monday

One of Mom's quilt blogging friends has lent her a really nice sewing machine. Mom's really excited.  She keeps talking about how much I changed her life, how if she hadn't adopted me everything would be different.

Well, like, duh!


  1. She should remember that EVERY day, Millie!

  2. Oh wow-ee. That's is so kind of your mom's quilt bloggy friend. Yaaaaaay.

    As for you, Miss Millie, you have had a huge huge impact not just on your mom's life, but on the lives of many of your readers and followers. Not a bad achievement for one small black and white pusscat.

    Big purrs for you.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Oh how difrint alla da mom's lifes would be wifout us to love dem. Den again, where would any of us be if not fur our moms to love us! It's a purrty good bargain, don'tcha think?

  4. Glad to hear the good news re the sewing machine, Millie.
    It is lovely to hear how much joy you have brought into your Mom's life - well done!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  5. Millie ~ good noos about the sewing machine. But the best noos of all is that you have such a loving forever home. xx

  6. You, Miss Millie, have indeed changed more lives than you can imagine . . .

    Sending many hugs and purrs!!!

  7. Ohhhh good friends to save the day!
    I hope your moms machine gets fixed soon, meantime, she will be sewing while you are near. big bonks Missie Milliekins

  8. Oh Millie, your mom's life is not the only thing you have changed. I can see that you have also added your decorating touch on the sofa as well.

  9. Yep, we kitties have pawsitive effects on our beans lifes.
