Friday, October 07, 2011

Finally Friday

Mom has been working hard at her day hunting gig to get the big project finished. The last step got delayed, and it's coming up in the next two weeks. That means Mom's going to be wicked busy between now and then.  She's also getting ready to teach a quilting class - in the same week!  So she's running around like crazy trying to get everything ready.  This morning she went clothes shopping - online.

Last night was cold again. I slept on the bed even though Mom woke up the heating monster in the basement. He's gonna take a nap this weekend because we are supposed to have the Hots, but she says he'll be up again next week and hungry enough to start eating green papers.

I'm so glad I'm a cat.


  1. We've noticed that it's gotten much colder here too. Stay warm and nap well

  2. Mom is busy. WHere is she teaching her quilting class? Our Mom started a quilt blog, too! maybe your Mom can take a break and check it out

  3. Millie, we're glad you're a cat, too! Be sure and keep your mom warm thru the winter to come - this makes her very happy! We have not turned on our heating monster yet - once he starts eating those green papers, there's no stopping him!

  4. Hey! great to read about your Mom - and stay warm - do lots of nuzzling and cuddling!

    For those reading this, check out my cat blog archives for some informative posts and archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.
    Debby in Arizona

  5. She's such a busy woman!
    We are glad we are cats too!

  6. Our heater is on here! Now I get to hear the debate from the humans for the next few months on how high (or low) it should be set.

  7. Help your mom remember to breathe!

  8. Your role will be to provide comfort and calm, Millie. And conduct classes in napping.

    Sydney, Australia

  9. Your had better be on your very best behaviour, Millie , because that will help when your Mom gets super busy.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  10. Mum had the heaty monster on last week, but this week we have the nice warms. Enjoy your weekend Miss Millie and mum.

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Hi Millie,

    Cold here, too, and our heat monster's on. It already ate a bunch of green paper cuz it need things called pump and expansion tank. Even with the heaty guy, we've been piling on mom at night. All four of us a cozy!

    Lizzie & 3 kitties

  12. Yes, and what a very pretty cat.
