Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tattle Tale Tuesday

I love getting scritches, and Mom and I have a daily routine. After she is dressed and has made the bed, she sits down, and I come over and get my morning scritches.  I don't sit right next to her. I rub up against her back and end up with my butt against her hip, so she has to reach around.  If she gets the flashy box out, I usually run away.  Sometimes she snaps off a picture before I do. Most of the time it is really fuzzy, but today it wasn't, so you have photographic evidence of this event.


  1. You are so brave to let Mom scritch you! WE remember when you would not!

  2. Scritchies in the morning are a great way to start the day!

  3. What a pawsome way to start each day! Haf a purrfect day, pretty Millie!

  4. That was very nice of ya ta let Mom get a good picture of ya today! Daily routines are good...

  5. Scritchies sure are nice, aren't they? Lucky mom to get such a nice picture of you, Millie! :)

  6. Why dont you like the flashy box, Millie? It doesn't hurt - and it gives all your fans a lot of pleasure to see you each day.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Well done - MIllie and Mom - you sure are gorgeous,MIllie!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  8. Your human got lucky this time with the camera, Millie. That should last her a while.

  9. Mum usually doesn't take the flashy box into the sleepy room. But we insist on our good morning scritches BEFORE she gets dressed!
