Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday Caturday

Mom is feeling very good about herself today.  She did the food hunting and the washing machine shuffle last night. She changed the sheets on her bed and today she wreck-un-tiled THREE months worth of papers from the bank. She even ran the dishwashing monster. All she has left in her to-do list is to wash the giant pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen and drag the rug-sucking monster around.

So why am I giving her the evil eye?

Because she "forgot" to post my blog yesterday.

Yeah, I know she's busy and everything, but still.


  1. Sounds to us that the evil-eye is much deserved. How can she forget about your blog while all you fans are waiting to hear from you? That is just unacceptable! You should put your furs all over the clean laundry just to show her what you think of that.

  2. You'll have to start nagging Millie we find it's the only way - although of course you mom is a lot younger than ours.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. hmmmm, time for the back of disrespect?

  4. Lack of planning on her part should not have meant you went without posting, Millie. But it IS good she got all that done.

  5. Anonymous2:56 PM

    We think she should post twice on Sunday to make up for her mistake. :-)

    Lizzie & 3 kitties

  6. You are absolutely right Millie. First things first, and you should always come first.

  7. Here in Oklahoma we call that the ole' stink-eye. MOL! Give freely then follow with the bum-of-disrespect. Works most days. Good luck pretty Millie. xoxo

  8. Millie, your human forgot the most important part!!

  9. Why doesn't she put the giant pile of dirty dishes in the dishwashing monster, and use the time that she's saved to help you blog? I think it's just a matter of priorities, Millie, and clearly you're just too easy going and too soft on her.

    Sydney, Australia

  10. Millie, count your blessings. Our Mom didn't post for us for a week and a half. That evil eye looks most effective. We need to try out a look like that.

    Herman and Emma

  11. Your Mom's burst of energy has made me feel very tired! No wonder she forgot to post the blog.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  12. Maybe she will have more time for you today!

  13. Your mom is allowed a day off after all of that working. My mum is trying to spring clean - but is happening very sloooooowwwwly.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  14. But she made up for it with the bestest photo ever! Karmen
