Thursday, July 07, 2011

Thinking Thursday

Mom says her day hunting gig got three new servants yesterday. They also got a lot of abc's. Mom says they got a SAN and NAS and three ESX's a GIG switch and a bunch of other stupid junk. Mom says the Yoop-E-Ess is getting a workout. Mom's been installing the new Office all over the place (which sounds really stupid to me) and she's talking about upgrading the stuff that cooks the books.

Mom's been doing so much thinking, and she's been so busy lately, that I'm thinking she needs to lie down next to me and nap.

I think thinking is overrated. That's what I think.


  1. We think she needs a good nap with you, too!

  2. Thinking is overrated! Nappin sounds like a better idea! My mom's lovin that quilt you're layin on, pretty Millie!

  3. Wow, your human sure talks some sort of funny language at her work! My human seems to know what this all means, but it is ALL gobblety-gook to me. I guess these servants are important, though, so it is a good thing the humans are there to deal with them.

  4. It sure sounds as though she could do with a nap, doesn't it Millie. All those servants and alphabet letters and stuff is proably doin' her 'ead in. So, you be especially kind to her this week, okay? LOTS of lap sitting and purring.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Millie - I haven't been reading and contributing to your blog for long enough to fully understand some of the things you said today - I will watch some more comments and it may all become a lot clearer.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  6. We agree ~ a nap wiv yoo is called for!

  7. My goodness, those are challenging terms! Don't even TRY to think about them.

  8. thinking is over rated! and our the mom says SAN and NAS and all that alphabet soup stuff is a PITA. we has no idea what bread has to do with it

  9. he he - we needs a new dictionary cuz we didn't understand what your ooman is doing at all. If I were to guess, I would guess it had something to do with a sewing project since she creates bootiful things out of something called cloth,

  10. Frankly, it's too hot to think.

  11. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Your kitty is so cool!

    it should be the Animal King!

    like this guy!

    yay coops!

  12. Ahh, Millie, are you feeling lonely and need your mom to spend some time with you? She will! Sometimes the day-hunting thing takes over for a few days.
