Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tattle-Tale Tuesday

It's all Mom's fault.


The reason I haven't been blogging so much the last week or so. (Mom rolls eyes.)

Mom's been VERY busy at her day hunting gig. First, it was NEW servants. Next it was giving the New servants NEW jobs, and firing the old ones, and that part isn't finished yet! (Millie, we've been working for this a long time. It's a BIG project, and it's very exciting.)

THEN it was moving the cook-the-books stuff from one servant to another, and giving it a facelift. (Millie, it's migrating the Accounting software to the new server and then upgrading it).

THEN it was installing a new MALE servant. (E-mail, Millie, E-mail! You know what that is.)

THEN it was installing new E-mail software on every computer at the place. (And uninstalling the old stuff.)

THEN it was getting hundreds of thousands of guys in bloo shorts to move the mail from one servant to another. (It was not! It was a couple of guys, and I don't know what they were wearing.)

THEN it was teaching everybody how the new E-mail software worked. (Lucky me!)

Mom says there's gonna be a little break for a couple of days, and then more NEW servants firing OLD servants, and then even more junk. (If it's junk, it's the most expensive junk you ever saw!)

ANYWAY! Mom's been working LATE and coming home TIRED. She hasn't even been sewing! (You haven't exactly been posing for pictures either, dear Millie.)

I think Mom has a vacation coming up. (Only in September, and not soon enough.)

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. (Knock yourself out.)

Mom needs lots of purrs. (You got that right!)


  1. How interesting how well you and Mom agree about things, millie. Sending her many purrs for things to get a bit slower.

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Keep a close eye on her Millie. It would be awful if she started talking to herself, or even arguing with herself!

  3. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Keep a close eye on her Millie. It would be awful if she started talking to herself, or even arguing with herself!

  4. Millie - it sounds like it's pretty rugged stuff at your mom's day hunting gig: servants running amok with teams of chappies in bloo shorts, while others cook the books (what do they taste like roasted do you think?)and your mom up the front with a baton trying to conduct the entire production. Sounds to me like you need to give her a great big kiss.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Our Mom has a lot of sympathy for your Mom. She remembers having to do stuff like that and answering customers questions and complaints! SHe well deserves that upcoming vacation!

  6. Fer yer Mom's sake, Millie, we hope September comes quick!

  7. Moms. They make up the weirdest excuses!

  8. Phew! We're tired just thinking about it all! Purrs for yoor momma!

  9. She shoulda just had the cat blogosphere snoopervise the whole operation and she'd be done already.

  10. purrrrrr.... I hope this helps :)

  11. My human thinks your human's job sounds interesting - well, except for having to teach the other humans how to use the new email software. But even so, she should not be slacking off so much on your stuff - she DOES work for you, of course!

  12. Yikes! That all sounds very tiring! Hope things settle down for you and mom real soon, Millie.

  13. Oh Millie - your poor Mom-I felt tired just reading about her busy life and it makes me so happy that I am retired!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  14. sending many purrrrrrrsssss to your poor momma!!!

  15. Beans are way too busy, you think your mum would have it easy with all those servants.

  16. (wakes up) millie why o why did you tell me to knock myself out?
