Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Tuxie Tattle Tale Tuesday

No furniture moved last night. Mom came home from day hunting and put a teeny tiny chicken in the hot-as-hell-box for dinner. We both ate very well.
Mom says the treadmill will soon be getting a new home, and the big boxes of books will go away next week. In the meantime, she's working on cleaning the tables in her sewing room.

Naturally I have to snoopervise here too.

Answers to questions in comments:

Karen: No "formal" freecyling. We just live on a busy street.

Hannah and Lucy: No chance of me getting packed away. I never get in boxes.

Cherie: No, it's the other leg, the one with the black "leg-warmer" spot.

Margaret: Thank you.


  1. I see you Millie. I'm glad that you're on the case, helping your mom like this.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Millie, it looks like you have your work cut out ahead of you - there is lots to supervise there!

  3. I must admit- I almost couldn't find you Millie.
    Gosh you must be a help to your Mom.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  4. Hi Millie, I found you on the blogosphere about a year ago and have been keeping up with you since. My six kitties and I start each morning checking on you and what you're up to. Thanks for sharing your life with us (my kitty,Uncle Bob thinks you're beautiful!) Margaret Goodman

  5. does your mom freecycle too?

  6. We finally found you Millie - be careful you don't get packed away in a box.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Millie, is that your titanium fixed up leg we see? You are so good at snoopervising....what a lucky mom you have ;)

  8. We seeeeeeee youuuuuuu!

  9. Hooray for chicken!

  10. Don't get too worn out with all the snoopervising Millie! Take time for naps too!

  11. OMC! It looks like a fabric store frowed up in dere! MOL!

  12. We love it when chick-hen is cooked here. We get some of it cooked seprate and not all spiced!

  13. Our Mom has been helping a friend clean and organize her sewing rooms. Mom spends all day Friday ans sometimes Tuesday over there. The bad part is she drags the duplicates home with her!

    We needs you to help snoopervise her!
