Holy Bast! Mom's gone completely crazy! She's been making a GIGANTIC mess! First it was the shelves in the computer room... there are boxes full of books in the dining room! Next, it was the encyclopedias. (Mom says nobody would take them, and believe me, she checked!)
Then, she emptied out the CD rack, and put that out on the street (where it disappeared less than an hour later).

Next, she moved a bookcase across the room (but first she had to empty it out and clean every shelf.) Then she emptied the hutch and moved that near the phone.

Can you see me trying to find a place to hide in the photo below?

She put the dry sink where the hutch used to be, and moved one of her drawings to the wall above it.

Fortunately, my foods are safe and sound.

With Mr Karate's help, she moved the bookcase from her bedroom to the living room, then moved the other bookcase to the same wall and rearranged the furniture a bit.

Not without my approval, of course...

Naturally she couldn't do any of this without dragging the rug sucking monster all over the place, and holy bast, what noise! I spent most of my day avoiding that!

She even moved her bed and one of Mim-may's paintings.
The house is still a disaster. There are boxes of books all over the dining room floor. The table is covered in stuff, and there kitchen is full of dirty dishes.
Mom isn't finished yet either.
Give me strength!
ReplyDeleteMillie, try to sneak some Nip into her tea, maybe she'll calm down...
Oh my...a cat would never do spring cleaning...too disruptive to us. But we think once all is rearranged, you will give it your paw of approval!
ReplyDeleteThese things are very hard on the cats in a household. Humans don't understand how disturbing it is for us.
ReplyDeleteMillie if it all gets too much teleport over and we'll find you a quiet spot to recover in. We hope you can find all your things.
ReplyDeleteLuv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
wow that was a lot of cleaning. Our mom loves the decoration theme it its bright and colorfull. good luck on the next cleaning episode.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Millie, it's just spring cleaning. I think it looks great so far!
ReplyDeleteWe don't blame you for finding a hiding place! It will be nice when she finishes!
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh that's a lot of work! I hope you gave her lots of cuddles as a reward!
ReplyDeleteSorry you're life's all turn upside down Millie, but the house is looking great! Cheerful and colorful and springy!
ReplyDeleteLizzie & 3 kitties (in MA)
Our mum has days like that. We hide until it's all over.
ReplyDeleteLOL. When I was a grad student I found pretty much all my furniture on the curb. Me and my friends were constantly "scouting" for furniture and if we found something nice one would "claim" it by standing next to it while the others arranged transport. Fun days!
ReplyDeleteOh my! What terror going on in your house! I hope you are ok. At least your food is fine.
ReplyDeleteHumans - when it comes to our homes, they cannot leave well enough alone!
ReplyDeleteDearie, dearie, dearie Millie. Where did your mom get this urge to do such a massive clean up? I'd really like to know, 'cos I could do with a bit of whatever she's having.
ReplyDeleteStay snug. She'll be off to her day hunting gig soon, so that will give you a break from all the disruption.
Millie! My Human goes all crazypants like that sometimes too. I did, I DID see you all tiny in that picture, too!
ReplyDeleteAnd Millie, your Mom does the dame thing mine does with extra stuff: she puts it out on the street and BAMMO! it's gone! She calls it the Urban Dweller's Recycling Method!
Dang, Millie, your mom is going nutso!
ReplyDeleteGreat reporting Millie ... some of the rest of us are wishing your mom could send part of her cleaning energy our way! Things may be a mess right now, but oh the results are gong to be WONDERFUL!
ReplyDeleteStay safe ... don't let your furs get caught up in the fray!
Will our humans never cease disrupting our carefully laid scent patterns?!?!?
ReplyDeleteI think not.
Better hide until it's over and then you can start all over again.
I found Valdo.... oh, I mean Millie :)