Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Am Not a Cat From Hell

Last night Mom and I watched a new tv show on Animal Planet called "My Cat From Hell."

It was very interesting. It's kinda like a Dog Whisperer for Cats. Most of the time the cats acted the way they did because their beans were kinda dumb. I mean, if I'm flashing my tail back and forth, Mom knows enough to give me some space. And she knows not to corner me, because then I'll be really stressed, but some of those beans on that tv show, holy Bast, what dummies!

I have to say, though, that I was very impressed with this dude, Jackson Galaxy. He really does know cats, and his work saved cats from being sent to the Bridge, and THAT's good.

It's overcast and rainy here today. Mom's watching Tennis. I'm napping.

What else is new?


  1. Well Millie, it sounds as though your mom doesn't give you cause to be the Cat from Hell. You picked a good 'un when you picked her. Well done.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I'll have to check out that show ...

  3. That is great that he can save cats from going to the Bridge. Sounds like a good show!

  4. Our Daddy sometimes thinks we're all Cats from Hell but the Mommy knows differently. At least the Daddy has learned over the years how to read us (he used to be a doggie person).

  5. SOme people should not have cats if they can not understand the signals

  6. Really, some peepul should not haf pets, or children. Maybe dey shoulda called dat show "Silly People with Smart Cats".

  7. Well, you know what? I **AM** a Cat from Hell and that's just FINE with me. I don't want to darn Cat Whisperer anywhere near me, MOL.

    The Human's a little intrigued if! Spitty don't play THAT!

  8. Turlough and Cassidy's Mom6:15 PM

    My Cat From Hell is definitely now one of my favorite shows. Jackson is very cool and thinks like a cat.

  9. Never watch that show, but I agree with you, Millie
    Some human, they just got no ideas about us. Even in these day, it's pretty easy to find the information from internet ! Good Luck for those cats !

  10. That show is GREAT! We love it!

  11. My human has actually met Jackson Galaxy! And I agree, most of the humans on this show are clueless about cats - they are very lucky they had the opportunity to work with him. I watched the first episode and I felt bad for those kitties until their humans were trained properly.

  12. We have seen that show on the listings and refuse to watch it. We dont like watching dumb Beins confusin or scarin their kitties!

  13. The Woman has been watching that and says she's actually learned a couple of things about Buddah. I mean, he's not a hell-cat, but he gets upset sometimes...she's kinda figuring out why now.

    I really like the one last week with the feral kitty. Those people were both REALLY trying, but just didn't know what to do for a kitty they didn't know was actually feral. And I liked that for them getting rid of her wasn't an option...they wanted to make it work for her. That was cool.
