The Big Party was a smashing success, but not without my help. It was necessary for me to personally inspect the preparations.

The food was very good. The party-goers ate up the salads and the other vegies, the chick-hen, the onion pizzas, and the dip. They drank gallons of water.

The cake of Angels disappeared very quickly. The Brownies and the Crispy Mocha Bars did too.

Then the kids played a funny kind of Chess. In the end, the little sticky people (who had asked their parents why they had to come) did not want to leave.

They all had a good time. Can you tell?
Me? Well, I got stuck Under The Bed, but it turned out OK. I got to watch everything, and Mom brought me my dinner on time. Now they have all gone, but not before leaving me many new things to smell.
What a happy pawty !
ReplyDeleteand What a great time !
Without your help, It couldn't be fabulous, Millie
Thanks for sharing : )
You are a great party planner! Watching from teh wings!
ReplyDeleteMillie - gallons of water??????Maybe something that looks like water?
ReplyDeleteNever mind, as long as everyone had fun and you got your dinner!
Noela Sydney Australia
wow, looks like you even made sure they had some garnish on the plates. glad it went well and hope you and your mom got a good rest in.
ReplyDeleteHey, the chess game with the 2 blue shirt guys... N-Q2?
ReplyDeleteThe Big Thing
Well, it's just as well you stayed on the scene long enough to inspect the table setting Millie. Did you leave some furs on the tablecloth perhaps, so they knew that you'd been there?
Sydney, Australia
It looks like the humans had a really great time! I am glad you inspected everything first, Millie - that probably made all the difference.
ReplyDeleteLooks like everybuddy had a good time at your house. Glad it worked out well.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the pawty was a huge success. Good going!
ReplyDeleteWe're glad you had a chance to sprinkle a few Cat furs into the mix! That's always so festive.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure your Mommy could never have done it without you, Millie. I LOVE it when visiting Humans leave so I can go out and smell the smells at my leisure. Mmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I've been meaning to tell you there's an excellent restaurant hereabouts called Miss Millie's!
You mom always puts on the best looking parties! The food always looks like we'd just want to jump on the table and lick it! Especially that chick-hen!!
ReplyDeleteGlad everyone had a good time and with good foods.
ReplyDeleteMillie, I am called the Sassy Cat because I can get very forceful when things are not how I like them. Like going to the VET. I don't like it. Nice people there, but I don't like it. So I get SASSY!
Looks like a great time was had by all, Millie. Awesome job! :)
ReplyDeleteWOW! looks like they all had a great time. We'd have been unda the bed too!