Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Tuxie Tuesday

The snow is melting, but slowly, and that's a good thing because even though we want it to go away, if it melts while the ground is still frozen, some areas can get flooding. Sometimes Mom needs me to nap nearby. So I indulge her from time to time.


  1. Millie, you are kind to sit by your Mom. Say, have you been on her lap again?

  2. Oooh Millie - that's looking pretty close to a lap-sit. Just a few more inches! Go on - you can do it.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. You arrange your napping time to suit your human, Millie? What an odd concept!

  4. How sweet, Millie !
    she is lucky you are doing that, My mom would love me to nap nearby but I just do once in the blue moon.

    Have a great day Millie : )

  5. That is a striking photo, Millie - did you have a good look at it? Your black and white all matching - VERY clever.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  6. Oh Millie, that is so nice of you to nap near the Mom. Bet she likes that. Hope you have a fun day. Keep your eye on that snow for us.

  7. Hey, Millie - so glad you take care of your Mom that way! And I'm happy your snow is melting. We had more than usual in AZ this year. It was great to see the winter wonderland views.

    Hey! Wishing all you cats and ‘beans great well-being and happiness! Please visit my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. There will be stories there as time goes on that could inspire and inform anyone you know who is helping or plans to help homeless cats anywhere.
    Thank you,

  8. Hi Millie, close but not that close huh? Not quite on the lap!

  9. How long did your mom have to stay frozen like that Nillie?

    I like your color coordination :)

  10. Oh we would all be kitty-piled on yer Mom's lap! But close is good too...

  11. You're a great girl Millie!
    Bet mom just loves that closeness!

  12. We know that your Mom loves it when you get close!

  13. Yeah we like to do that too, or sit behind her on the couch.

  14. Enjoy your snooze!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
