Friday, March 11, 2011

Formerly Feral Friday

It's raining out, and the snow is melting. Compared to last Friday, a lot of the snow has melted. How much longer will the snow last? When, when will it be melted away?
That's the question, and nobody knows the answer. We'll all just have to wait and see.
Me? I'll be watching from the bed. I like this quilt.


  1. that is a beautiful quilt!

  2. I clicked on one of your jumps and read through the trials of the saving of that little kitten who turned out to be MILLIE! What a nice thing to click on the jump for her forever home and find this site - which I have been reading for a couple of weeks....and I am so pleased to have found it....being an owner of rescues myself...I am glad to have found Darling Millie...

  3. Yours is going faster than ours in Millie!
    It will be great to see spring when it comes!

  4. I think it will be gone long before my guess.

    You look very cozy on that lovely quilt.

  5. Definitely better to watch the snow from inside, where it is warm!

  6. Love that quilt! Love you on it too :).
    ~Lisa Co9T

  7. Hey Millie - I know the answer and it's April 25! So settle in on that quilt, and keep nice and warm, 'cos there's still a few more weeks of snow to go.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Millie, if mommy makes a black and white quilt, it will be so hard to find you :)

  9. You look good on that quilt. We had a melty day here too, but still lots of snow on the ground.

  10. That quilt look great !!!!

  11. That is a very pretty quilt!
