Friday, January 21, 2011

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me Friday

More freaking snow.
but wait... there's more!

It's supposed to be minus 13 F on Monday! (That's -25C. And yes, that's frickin' cold!)


  1. Anonymous12:16 AM

    My pleasure to send it south to you. We've had it long enough. We're in the 30's now. Much better.


  2. Oooh - that does sound cold, Millie. That will be a good day for the heated cat cup!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Wow - even my human has never been in weather that cold! I think the coldest for her was -5 degrees Fahrenheit. In Rifle, CO. In 1981.

  4. We have snow here too, and though it is getting pretty cold, I don't think it is going to go into the NEGATIVE numbers! Wow! Stay inside, stay warm, cuddle up - snuggle under blankets, do whatever you can to keep warm!

  5. We feel your pain Millie...

  6. Millie - keep warm in your heated cat cup - we think your enormous snow pile will be getting even bigger.

  7. That makes for cranky oomans cuz dey has to shovel it or get rid of it somehow.

  8. Come to Minnesota.
    20 below last night. It's warmed up to 2 below now at 2 in the afternoon.
    We hate winter.

  9. We have been lucky ta dodge the snow so far. There has been lots north of us and even south of us. But not here.

    We are crossin our paws that it stays that way!

  10. My Human would LOVE that (well, not really, but she does LOVE the cold). She's been real disappointed in our lack of winter--sun, sun, sun, 67, 68, 70 etc. etc. She loves the rain and the sleet and the storms, though maybe not elebenty billion feet of snow.

  11. That is a lot of snow ans too cold to be out!

  12. That's a lot of snow and bitter cold. It gets that cold here sometimes, but not very often. Everywhere seems to be getting snow but here and we need it.

  13. We've had the cold here, but a lot less snow. Hang in there!
