Monday, January 31, 2011

Holey Moley Monday!

WHAT? Whaddya mean, we're gonna have MORE SNOW on Tuesday and Wednesday and you want to spend the time with me in my hammock?

Mom, you -know- there's only room for me!

Oh dear, I think my poor Mom is gonna lose it for sure...


  1. My Mom is about to pitch a big hissy fit about the more snow. This is getting to be impossible. I love your labels on your post! She made Dad shovel all the snow off our deck yesterday in preparation for February.

  2. just two more months... just two more and it will be warmer.. and then youll want the cold back.

  3. M is "freaking" out too Millie. I want windows open, but M says it won't happen until May.

  4. Unfortunately we're due for more snow here too, Millie. We're all feeling a little strung out these days, desperate for warm temps and bare ground.

  5. Millie we hope you don't have too much more snow - we saw your mom's picture in the car park!! Move over and give your mom room to come and get a cuddle with you in your lovely hammick.

  6. we think our the mom has snow sickness or something. she WANTS 2 feets of snow Tuesday and Wednesday

  7. Mommy say the weather report this morning and she feels terrible for all of you in the east. If you don't mind Cat hair, c'mon over!

  8. She needs a people sized heated cat cup!

  9. We are so sorry you are having all this snow!!!!! Last year was our year for it so we know. Hang in there - spring is coming.

  10. We're supposed to get clobbered too, Millie!! Mom hopes that she's at home when it happens so she doesn't hafta drive in it!

  11. I think we might have had all our snow for this winter but if we get any more, I'll send it over.

  12. I feel bad for you and your human that you are getting more snow when you already have too much! That said, you are right, the hammock is yours and yours alone.

  13. Oh, go on, Millie. Be a sport - move over a bit and give your mom some room on the hammock.

    Sydney, Australia

  14. Since your hammock is not large enough for two, maybe you will join Mom on the bed! Our Mom and Dad went to get food for the week cause we may have ice roads tomorrow!

  15. Your hammock does look very comfy. No wonder your Mom ants to share.
    Luckily we had a warm sunny weekend and every cat could run around outside and burn some of that cabin fever off. We are not expecting snow, but several days of rain.

  16. My Human thinks the snow is pretty. But then, she's never had to actually live in it!

  17. Well, mebbe there is at least room for Mom's scritchie hands.

    We are sposed to get more snow here too. But not as much as you.

  18. Millie - c'mon over to my place. It was 104 degrees F in my suburb of Sydney just half an hour ago. You might enjoy the change!

    Sydney, Australia
