Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not Wordless Wednesday

Snow occupies space. This fact is lost on many who do not live with the stuff.

You should see the big pile of snow in the back yard. I'll show you a picture when it gets light enough for Mom to take one.Holy Bast! See that fence at the far right? That's six feet tall (over 183 cm). And see that coating on Mom's metal masheen? That's a layer of ice! And on the ground... ice!

(you can click the photo to biggify)


  1. We have had 3 snows of an inch each so far. We hope it stays that way...

  2. I am fascinated by snow photos! I have never seen snow in person.

  3. I never seen snow too, Can't wait for your picture !

  4. Ohhhh we pray Bast brings warmth to you (and yr mommy) soon!

  5. Well, it must be stacked pretty high Millie if you've got to stretch your neck like that to see the top of it. Good grief. It's just as well that you're an indoor kitty.

    Sydney, Australia (where it never ever snows - not ever!)

  6. Keep warm Millie and tell your mom to be careful out there.
    luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Yikes - dat is a really big pile. We don't have any piles like dat, but we do have piles.

  8. From here, it is rather nice to look at, but I gather it is not nice to live with. I have only seen it a few times when I have been well away from Sydney. We simply don't have winter like that.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  9. THat snow piles up quickly! We hope you are staying warm!

  10. Um, wow. My Human and I are not going to complain about our weather ever again. Uh-uh. Not after looking at THAT!
