Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday Thirty-Three

Thank you all for purring with me. Mom watched last night as the first miner was rescued. She got up yesterday, and we watched Nine and Ten. Mom says she checked the internet all day long, watching the numbers grow. When she got home from day hunting, she watched until the very last miner was rescued.

Thirty-three! What a glorious number, and what a great job by the Chileans and everybody around the world who helped. It's a great story.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my purr-er needs a break. I'm gonna go take a nap!


  1. Mama watched some too & when the last miner was brought up, her eyes were leaking lots!! We are so thankful they have all been rescued!

  2. We are very happy for the miners, too and are ready for a nap!

  3. My human loves news stories like this, with happy endings. She says there are not enough like that.

  4. Well, I imagine that your purr-er is close to worn out Millie, so take it easy for a few days. Put your feet up and ask your mom to administer lots of kisses and cuddles until you've fully recuperated. Good effort and I'm sure the miners appreciated your assistance.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Well done,Millie - it certainly was a wonderful ending to what could have been a terrible story.
    Let's hope it is a long time before we hear of anything like it again.

    from Sydney Australia. Noela.

  6. we are glad they all made it out safely as well. We hate getting stuck in the ptu or the cabnets, so just times that by 150, and thats prolly how they felt.

  7. What a wonderful thing!

  8. it was truly a heroic and awe inspiring thing to watch

  9. Our mom watched too - sneaking on at work and then watching when she got home and we just were so happy when the last miner was up and safe! We are so impressed with how well everything went off - they all (the rescuers and miners) did a great job!

  10. I love purrrrrfectly happy endings!

  11. Yay for the rescue of the Chilean miners! It certainly is a day to celebrate:).

    I love reading your posts, Millie. You're so beautiful - you should totally have your Mom submit pics of you to the Lifetime Companions and Co-Stars Photo Contest.

    The contest ends at noon on October 14th, so I'm trying to spread the word to all my favorite cats (and your human bean readers)! Just upload your photo and you could win everything from cash to a one-year supply of cat food:).

    Check out all the details here:
    Companions and Co-Stars Photo Contest

    Thanks and best of luck:).

  12. We watched with mum and she was leaking lots from her eyes too. We hope no one ever has to go through that in another mine.

  13. It is so nice that all of them are OK. What a terrible time they all had...

  14. It is a miracle story!

  15. Wasn't that just the Best Day Ever! I loved the chant Chi- chi- chi-el-el-el- ay! Chile! they did everytime someone came out! I wish I could understand the other line ;-) but my Espanol isn't good enough.
