Saturday, September 25, 2010

Surprising Saturday

Mom spent the whole day yesterday with her brother, Mr Fine Furnituremaker. You can read about it on her quilting blog. I was left to fend for myself. Fortunately there are plenty of good places to nap, and there was a big bowlful of stinky goodness, and another of my favorite crunchies along with several bowls of water. It was a nice warm day, and Mom had windows open so I could sit in the sun and smell the nice warm smells.


This morning, news of an alarming nature reached me.

Monty's beans have been on vacation the last few days (visiting some weirdos named Mickey, Pluto, Minnie and Tinkerbell, among others). Monty was sent to kitty jail. But that's not the worst part.

The worst part is...

is... is... (I am so sorry, I'm having a hard time getting it out...) he was...

he was...

shaved clean.


Yes. He was shaved clean. He is now a nekkid tabbyman.

I think I have to go lie down now.


  1. OH, No! Monty is a nekkid tabbyman! That is terrible!

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    LOL! Silly Milly! :-)
    I love cats sooo much. The vet I go to (I am there almost every 2 weeks) has a cat named Fiber that is paralyzed from the waste down. I am great friends with Fiber. He gets very annoyed of me though. He is also the dominant one in our relationship. If he lifts his paw, I know immediatly to flop over onto my back and be submissive.
    Paige would get me a cat to be my best friend, but she is quite allergic :-( She really thinks Millie is beautiful though! She said if she got a cat, she would want one like Millie. I would too!

    Licks of Love,


  3. NEKKID!?!

    Mommy wants to see!

    sheesh. Mommy is a prevert.

  4. Why did they shave him? That is way too cruel.

    Luf, Us

  5. I kinda wanna laugh but I'm kinda horrified, all at once. Poor Monty. I bet he's cold...

  6. Monty got a Brazilian? Wow.

  7. Oh my goodness. Why on earth did they do that to him?
    And we also want to see!

  8. Will Monty be appearing in PlayKitten magazine?

    Serously, this should be a VERY innerestin story ta hear. We hope it isnt cuz of somethin bad...

  9. Nekkid-nekkid? You mean ALL OVER? Now that's something I would pay money to see! On a hot day like today, it does have a certain appeal, though!

  10. OH NOOOOO!
    Oh I can't even imagine O_O
    No, I don't want to imagine it either.
    Pooooor Monty. What happened?

    Oh goodness. Poor guy.
    How unmancatly can that be!

    bonks Millie and thanks for the paws up. I will try not to act shocked when I see him

  11. Miss Millie, You need a cold cloth for your forehead. Or a mental picture of Monty the Cabana boy walking toward you with a cool drink sporting a wee umbrella....

  12. Millie - that does sound quite disturbing, mainly because it's hard to imagine why such a thing had to happen. I hope Monty is okay. Paws crossed that his furs will grow back more thickly and more beautiful than before.

    Sydney, Australia

  13. Yep, nakers. They left his head, legs and tail. And a...erm...'racing strip' down the Spot 13. I of course, took many pictures.



  14. Monty! How could they?! NEKKID as a jaybird? Why for heaven's sake? We hopes you gets some furs back before winter so you can stay warm.

  15. Millie = Having just read Monty's mum's comment - we can't wait to see this. On the upside though - oh we can't think of an up side!!
