Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sticky Saturday!

I'm fine. Mom's just too hot to think.

(or help me blog, apparently.)
Her birthday is next week, and she wants a Red Velvet birthday cake with Cream Cheese frosting. (this won't happen unless she bakes the cake herself, which she very well might do.)

She wants it to be sunny, dry and about 80F. (she might get that)

She wants Monty's fambly in attendance. (I'm not sure I have enough magic to pull this off.)

She wants a clean house. (that'll never happen.)

She wants to be 5 pounds thinner. (yo! Mom, ain't gonna happen if you eat that CAKE!)

Funny lady. Too hot to blog, not too hot to wish.

Hmmm. Think I need a nap to ponder this.


  1. Wishing is easy, Millie. Most beans can do it any time, any place. I'm wishing for calorie-free chocolate, you know, but so far, no luck.
    I hope at least some of your Mom's wishes come true in time for her birthday.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Wish you had told us sooner. Our mom made red velvet cake for the 4th and we would have saved a piece

  3. Never too ho to wish Millie; that is what life is all about! Gracie from NY

  4. Wishing is easy, no matter what the weather! We hope part of her wishes come true!

  5. Tell your Mom to eat the cake and the heck with the 5 pounds!

  6. EAT CAKE! Then next month worry about the 5 lbs

  7. Hope her wishes come true! Stay cool...

  8. Birthday cake has no calories, so she's good to go!!!

  9. Maybe she should wish for an ice-cream cake? It's way too hot to bake!

  10. How funny - my human's birthday is next week too! And she would also like a red velvet birthday cake with cream cheese frosting. Wait a minute - we don't have the same human, do we??? Mine's birthday is Wednesday - when's yours?

  11. Yoo'll hafta say the magic werd: abraCATdabra!

  12. Oh, those sound like wonderful birthday wishes. Our mewms saw a red velvet roll cake at the gourmet food store last night...she said she'd get it if you lived closer!

  13. We understand about the too hot to blog, not to hot to wish - but we would wish for a bit cooler than 80!
