Friday, June 18, 2010

Life Can Be Tough

Last night after dinner, Mom was on the computer, and I was napping in the cat hammock near my favorite window. We could hear the little sticky people running around outside, making lots of noise and and having fun. Then it got really quiet. Mom brought the trash out because Friday is garbage day, and saw three police cars outside, with their lights flashing. Cops were talking to a lady next door, who was crying. Another cop was talking to somebody else down the street. There was lots of pleading, lots of "It wasn't my fault" and "she did it and I'm the one getting into trouble." It went on for a long time. Mom and I do not know what happened, but somebody got a ride in the paddywagon.

I don't know what a paddywagon is, but I don't ever want to ride in one.

I'm so happy Mom loves me.


  1. Those sticky little's can get in to trouble when school is out!

  2. Well I'm optimistic that you'll make it through life without ever seeing the inside of a paddywagon Millie. Just stay good and behave herself and you'll be fine. LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Glad to hear that you are going to stay out of trouble Miss M. I think it is best to keep inside and have lots of snoozes.

    Have a super weekend, enjoy your sunshines.

  4. Well we are glad that yoo were safe inside. Yoo don't need to be around trubblesome sticky people.

  5. Yikes! Yes, humans--little or big--can get into serious trouble. It's a good thing you are safe and sound inside, Millie!

  6. We're so glad you were safe inside Millie - it's the best place for you so you can keep a check on your mom too.

  7. Oh, dear, we hope everyone was okay. You might never find out what happened, but at least they know you didn't do it.

  8. Mis Millie,
    You keep your paws clean and you'll be OK.
    There's a crime wave at our house...stop by and see today's post!

  9. Yeah, just stay inside and stay out of trouble.

  10. The Human says that it's the grown-ups who often behave like the sticky little people. And that's when they see the inside of dem wagons!

  11. Ooh, Beins cause SO MUCH trubble sometimes...
