Monday, April 12, 2010

Millie Monday

Lookit this Cat Grass! It's totally pawsome. I have a snack every day, but I have to tell you, it's a lot for just one girlkitty. (And no, I don't barf it up if I eat it.)

Mom is finally done with the sewing project she has been working on since we got back from our trip. It's all she's been working on, and she didn't even do any housecleaning! So now the house is a mess, and she is cleaning it up.

Yeah, I can't tell you how glad I am to be a cat!


  1. Tha grass really is quite phenomenal Millie. I can't see that you'll be able to eat enough of it to contain its growth. Your mom might have to invest in a wee lawnmower!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Wow, your grass really sprouted. You might have to send your mom out to find some other cat friends close by to give it to.

  3. LOL! That cat grass is looking mighty tasty, Millie. We're glad you don't bring it back up, as our Annie does. We're sure your mom wouldn't want to clean that up too. :-D

  4. That is some pawsome Cat Grass.

  5. I just LOVE catgrass, and I'm the only one in our family that does. looks like you have quite a bit there, Millie. I know you won't mind if I stop over for a quick chomp or two!


  6. Thats some fabulous looking cat grass!

  7. We love cat grass! Yours looks very nommy, indeed.
    Yes, it's wonderful being a cat, and get waited on tail & paw!

    xx Lounge Kats

  8. That is really great looking cat grass Millie - your mom did a great job growing it. Ours never grows us any because she is not a good gardner.

  9. Your Mom can grow anything!

  10. That is sure one terrific batch of grass! We like that it is in that heavy pot. When mom just buys some from the store the lightweight pot keeps tipping.

  11. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Let me know if you need a bun mover to come in and give that grass a trim! ~Fiona Bun

  12. Why you lucky kitty! We like our grass too, but our mewmie has a brown thumb so she has to buy it ready made, hahameow, for us to munch on. Oh, she puts it in a pretty pot so it looks like she grew it herself!
