Friday, April 16, 2010

Finally Friday!

It's finally Friday, but this is a little bit ridiculous. It's sn--, sn--... I can't bring myself to say it.

It's SNOT!

Yeah, that's what it is. (You have to check the link and read the comment by the Meezers to get the joke!)


  1. Oh noes. Looks like your heated cat cup might come in handy today Miss M. Stay warm and toasty.

  2. Stay warm and cosy Millie and don't go outside cos you might get some snot on you.

  3. Wow - was that forecast? Perhaps you could blame the volanco in Iceland. (Not sure how, but it sounds as if it should all be connected, doesn't it?)

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Oh, yuck! Not good! We hope the "snot" turns to rain and disappears very soon!

    Stay cosy and warm, Millie!

  5. OH NO! I hope it melts fast and doesn't head my way or mommy will put that sweater back on me. Stay warm and keep your tosies cozies.


  6. Oh my cats!! Hopefully that will be the last of the snot until next winter.

  7. It's raining here, but we kinda like sleeping with the sound of the rain in the background.....have a fun filled weekend, Millie.

  8. Oh noes! We will send you some of our sunshines!

  9. So sorry, it's only cold and rainy here.

  10. Oh dear. We blame the volcano too. Very peaceful in London today with no planes flying overhead!

  11. That. is. SO. Wrong. Our sympathies. We'll send some Vegas sun pronto!

    xx Lounge Kats

  12. Oh Millie, I'm sorry. We would love to have some of that stuff here, though. We never get any of that at all :-(
    And Millie, guess what? I finally got my mom to let me have a little blog of my own. She's a pretty slow learner so it's not all fancy, but come say Hi when you can!
    Spitty (

  13. Oh, s'no'w. Hope it won't stay long.

  14. SO you don't get any all winter and now that it is Spring, here it is. Crazy weather!

  15. Ugh...Dad sed it was good dat da rain missed us cuz it's cold enuff out dat we woulda had some of dat snot too!

  16. MOL! Those Meezers are crazy funny! But we're glad it dint stick on the road; that woulda been REAL slippery...

  17. Millie, we had snotflurries over the weekend. But it is sunny today and supposed to warm up!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
