Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More Rain

It's gonna rain some more today. Mom's says she still has a few fires to put out at her day hunting gig. Dunno how anything can burn when it's all wet, but Mom says otherwise and although she's only a bean, I'm going to humor her.

Mr Karate came over for dinner last night, but his voice wasn't with him. He had the crud that Mom is trying to get rid of. They had dinner, he played his cello, and then Mom went into the sewing room and did her usual thing of cutting big pieces of fabric into little pieces of fabric and then sewing them back up together into big pieces of fabric again.

I'm telling you, she's crazy! I intend to do the only sensible thing one can do on a yukky rainy day like this. I'm going to take a nap on the big stack of pillows in the computer room.

I'm so glad I'm a cat.


  1. Take it easy Miss M. Sounds like your mom is busy sewing again, and making the most of the rainy day.


  2. Millie, you have the right idea. Humans could learn from us...if they weren't so dim most of the time! ;-)

  3. The stuff our bean does don't make much sense either ... being kitteahs is good. but the rainy weathers are bad, we don't like it much ... we want sunshines!

  4. We're with you Millie - taking a nap when it's raining and there's nothin' to watch outside.
    yep, we're supposed to get some of dat rain stuff too, so sleeping is da only sensible thing to do.

    Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike

  5. Oh, you make that sound so good! Can I come and snuggle up with you?
    ~Lisa Co9T

  6. We hear you Millie! after watching all the crazy things our beans get up to, we're gald we're cats as well

  7. Dude, MomBean's furs are all up in a bunch. Can I hide over here?

  8. Poor Karate guy has it, too. My mommy does that thing with fabric, too. What's with that?

  9. Life's fairly complicated for beans, Millie, so please be tolerant!

    I think Mother Nature probably decided to make you a cat because she knew that you'd be a very good one and know how to behave on yukky rainy days. Keep it up.

    Sydney, Australia

  10. We never know what Mom is doing when she turns on the sewing machine!

  11. Millie - it's raining here ( in Sydney ) today.
    I wish I were a cat, and then I could settle down on a stack of pillows to have a nap, too.
    However, I am not - so I had better stop grumbling and get on with some chores.

    Sydney Australia

  12. Millie, I took a hint from you and spent all day in bed - sleeping and trying to feel better...

  13. Yep, napping is the only sensible option.

  14. When them beans gets a 'creative strike' is impossible to get them calm, even purring doesn't help. Your mommy is so creative- I don't think there is much you can do Millie.
    I thinks you should find that nice pillow you were sitting on on Sunday, and wait it out.
    Can't last furrever... right?

  15. Beans are pretty strange. You've got the right idea!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
