Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello From Mary-land!

Mom and I missed the bus to Beantown yesterday morning. We got a ride to another city and took another bus from there. Mom was pretty freaked out about the whole thing. Once we got on the train though, everything was fine. I was a very good cat on the train!I saw many very interesting things on the train ride. I saw Bagpipers, I saw a guy on a windsail, I saw a parking lot full of boats, and I saw this in Connect-i-cat, across the train tracks from the ocean.It looked interesting, but I was pretty sure I would feel better when I got to Monty's house. At Monty's house, I met Tucker. I think he likes me. I think he likes Everybody.
Monty and I are so happy to be together again!
Of course, this is what we really came for!


  1. He is the best reason to visit!

  2. LOL, what a cutie pie! Seems like a good trip so far, Millie!

  3. We are happy that you got there safely, Millie.....and what an adorable baby....almost as adorable as you, Millie, but not quite. :) xxxxx

  4. Glad you got there safely. How did you miss the bus, or do I really want to know.


  5. Hi Millie
    Glad to hear you managed to catch the train and arrived saely with Monty and his family.
    Have a lovely time with Monty and as my grandad used to say to me "don't do anything I wouldn't do".
    Mum Sue & Hannah & Lucy

  6. I bet it was fun to be in Beantown on St. Patrick's Day.
    We are very glad you makes it safe and sound.
    Mooshie is sooooo cute!

  7. We are so glad ya got ta go on the trip, Millie. We were worried that somehow ya would get lefted behind!

  8. We are glad to hear that you got to the family safely. Have lots of fun hanging out with the Monty Q tribe.

  9. Wowza Millie. Aren't holidays fun? Although, quite frankly, I don't think I'd wanna have Tucker making friends with me like that.

    Sydney, Australia

  10. We are glad that your trip was good and that you are having a fun time at Monty's house so far!

  11. Millie, I am so glad you and your mom made it. missing the bus is worth freaking out about. I am so glad you are at Monty's house safe and sound with the the fam. I am sure Mooshie is so happy to see your pretty face too


  12. Your lucky to get to travel! The train ride looks skeery - you're very brave!!
    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  13. Millie - I love train rides - yours sounded very exciting. We look forward to hearing more about your trip to Mary-land.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  14. I'm so glad you got to go on the trip! You crack me up. Love the picture with Monty. You two look very happy.

  15. What a little doll. Oh my, I could easily fall in love with this little fellow. Give him a hug for me and tell him he has an Memere in NH. Had a good day at class and have just gessoed 20 small masonite boards. Actually easy with a small roller. I miss you but I know you need the vacation. Have fun and enjoy the moment. Love from your mama Jeanne

  16. Millie, you don't quite look like yourself...the trip must have taken a lot out of you. Maybe you will be back to your old self tomorrow. You're mighty brave to get that close to Tucker. You could always come stay with me...Mary-land is not that far from "FURR"ginia...and we don't have a Tucker.


  17. Mooshie is really cute! So, are yoo and Monty snuggling lots and playing kissy face?

  18. That sign should be in our kitchen...Eat Here, Feel Good! hahameow

  19. That sticky kid is pretty cute!

    Give Monty a head butt for me. But, you know, in a manly way...

  20. Love the pictures and the commentary!

  21. We hope yoo have a lovely visit.
