Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snow Day

It's a snow day. The schools are all closed because of snow. This is what it looked like outside when Mom left for day hunting. I don't see any snow.

The When When Contest is over at Monty's. Go leave a guess!


  1. The FRAKKING snow is still here!

    But there's school today, much to MomBean's delight. She needs to call you later, it looks like KidBean has a food allergy and she needs an ear.

  2. We only got 3 inches today.

  3. Since they did not have to miss any days due to the snow, they took it off any way! cool!

  4. Man I had a lot of snow on the ground..started to melt...then it came again!!! Its everywhere andits deep..noooo

  5. Now if it could just warm up!

  6. Lucky yoo. Monty won't be pleased!

  7. Is it invisible snow maybe? We had about an inch last night but it is gone already, except in the spots where the rest of the snow still is.

  8. Maybe all the snow fell just on the scnool?

  9. If we closed our schools for this much snow, we'd NEVER GO!! Ha....
    Our buses ran on ice again today--two hours late, but not on the gravel roads (like ours--which were blown shut overnight, and late today
