Friday, February 05, 2010

Friday Fitness

I do my stretches regularly. A cat's gotta stay in shape! Plus, you know, I've got my big trip to Mary-land coming up in 40 days, and I want to look good for my sweetie!


  1. Millie, You are such a darling. I love the way you are stretching, I need to do the same. Today I am working in the studio and A. and I are going to paint. yippee. Should be a great day. Missy will come with me. I wish you and Missy would play together. Love you your mama Jeanne

  2. You have good form in your streches!

  3. That is a really good stretch Millie! We know you are going to be all ready for Maryland!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. You wouldn't even have to stretch and you would look WONDERFUL for your trip to Maryland.

  5. Millie, Millie, Millie - THAT'S the calendar shot for next August. You mightn't be panting and you're certainly not a hussie, but stretched out like that is a wonderful image for the hot days that you experience in summer.

    This is a winner!

    What do you say?

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Wow Millie, what a stretch. You and Cleo ought to get together for an exercise session. She likes stretching like that too.


  7. S-t-r-e-t-c-h!!!!!
    That feels good from tail to ear tips doesn't it.

  8. Millie, Whimpurr needs a purrsonal trainer ... do you think you could help? *purrs*
