Friday, February 19, 2010

Finally Friday!

Mom's really happy today is Friday. She will finish Mooshie's quilt tonight while watching the Olympics on tv. (You can watch anything you missed here.)

She has been watching something called "Curling." I confess I do not see the point of throwing a rock into a house. Sounds kinda silly to me. It's even sillier when you see grown beans hurrying to clean the ice so the rock goes where they want it to. I mean, the thing's got a handle! If they want the rock in the house, why don't they just pick it up and put it there?


  1. We don't get curling, either, but hey, whatever makes the humans happy works for us. Our mom likes the speed skating and skiing events, actually.

    Happy Friday!

  2. Kikky7:39 AM

    All this throwing rocks at houses strikes me as bad manners!

  3. Our mamabug loves watching all the skating events and is totally over the moon....and probably the sun if it would come out today.....that Evan won the gold!!!!

  4. we likes watching the people with their feets tied to one stick go flying in the air and through the tube.

  5. I lives in a glasshouse- i not throw stones, even ones with handles. Grate explunashun of the sillness of the game Millie!

  6. you know what i didnt get when I watched one of the curling things...when the rock gets by the target the other team would come out and sweep in front of the other teams rock to make it keep going i suppose....why can they do this?!

  7. Our Mom and Dad are very silly. They enjoy curling. The only curling we enjoy is curling up on the couch or bed!

  8. Fabulous fabulous photo of you today Millie. One of your all-time best in my opinion.

    You are being much better behaved in front of the flashy box lately.

    Sydney, Australia

  9. mom thinks the only cool thing about curling is the ice :-P It is interesting to watch and actually see people get excited about a rock sliding and knocking some other rocks.
    Wheeee yipeee have a party - maybe.

    bonkie bonks and bonks for the quilt too

  10. Millie We agree, humans are strange sometimes.No common sense it seems.
    Have a great weekend.
    Your Friends
    Peanut and Marshmellow

  11. My humans love watching the curling. And I like it because they sit still in front of the TV and give me lap time. The British women are doing furry well in the curling. But at the moment we are cheering on Amy Williams in the scary skeleton bob!
