Thursday, November 05, 2009

Thursday Three

Here's our Japanese Maple today. As you can see it is losing its leafs quickly. It is grey out, and we are supposed to have rain later. Rain knocks leafs off trees quickly. This contest is getting interesting.
One thing about trees losing their leafs. You can see where the birds make their nests. That clump of leaves is actually a birds' nest.
Mom's sewing room is a mess as she works on NewBean's quilt. She's got stuff piled all over the place, and it's really messy.


  1. Looks like your tree is really hanging onto the leaves as long as it can.
    That sewing room really looks like you could find lots of interesting things in there.

  2. Hee hee...That's not a mess is creative genius at work ;)

  3. We think the tree will lose it's leaves well before we said so.

  4. Messy is ok as long as there is still a place for you to get comfy!!!


  5. Hmmmm ... we might be in wiv a teeny tiny chance as long as yoo don't get BIG gusts of wind in the next week. Paws crossed.

  6. Well, we don't think we will be in the running with the tree - we still think that they will be on there next week. Now we are trying to guess who will win - we think the week of the 16th is when they will all be down.

    And tell your mom that her sewing room is not too bad - in my office I have all my beading stuff everywhere - it looks much worse!

  7. A messy sewing room is the sing of work in progress. It also creates neat places for a kitty to nap.

  8. Go tree, go tree, hang onto some of your leaves for another week for me!!

    Wow, mom has been busy sewing. We know she is a tidy girl, so a little mess for a little while is ok.

  9. Oh wow, yer tree is lookin bare-leafed real fast!
