Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Funday!

WOW! It looked like the strong winds knocked the last leafs off the tree yesterday! Mom walked over and took a closer look to check for sure. But no.There are still dried up dead leafs clinging to their branches of the tree. There are several clumps of them, and Mom has highlighted two in this picture. In this detail photo below (which you can click to biggify), you can see several of them.

Momsbusy - you did not win the Last Leaf Falls Contest.The wind was good to blow many leafs away, but many houses in New Hampster do not have electricity because of it. Mom went food hunting yesterday afternoon to find the store completely dark! She had to drive across town to another store.

Why is today Sunday Funday? Mom's very first internet friend, a lady she has been emailing now for almost ten years, is coming to New Hampster to visit. This will be the second time they see each other in person! (First was when Mom and Mim-May visited Mr Photographer & fam about five years ago.)

"D" and her husband "A" are from Catifornia and spent Turkey Day in NYC with their daughters. Today they take the train to Beantown, where they will get a bus here. Mom will pick them up and bring them over to meet me, and then bring them to their hotel. D and A will be visiting for a couple of days. There is a big fambly dinner scheduled for Monday Night.

Now you know why Mom has been cleaning the house like crazy!
Me, I'm just catching up on my Beauty Sleep!


  1. We love your bed. You are so pretty you don't need beauty sleep.

    We hope your Mom has a wonderful time with her friend.

    Purrs and hugs from your friends
    at Boo-Bahs Little Sunshines

  2. Cute picture. Enjoy your visitors!

  3. You mean you're going to be even more beautiful??? We hope you have fun today.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  4. Millie,

    I hope Mom has a good time with her friends.

    I was wondering where did you get your hammock - I don't know if I would sleep on one - but, it looks cool. Maybe my mom can find one for me!

    Boy, you sure have a lot of toys. I'm not big on toys...I have a few I like...


  5. You don't need beauty sleep Millie - but after playing with all those toys I can imagine that you do need a few hours nap. Emjoy.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. The Woman has an Internet friend like that...they've been emailing and stuff for over 15 years now. They even took a couple vacations together and they want to do it again in 2010. But that means *I* won't get to see her friend, and I like her friend :/

    I'm glad you're gonna get to meet your mom's friend! Maybe she'll bring you a present! Or you'll just get to taste their dinner. I think I would like that best...

  7. That sounds like fun! It looks like you are helping keep Mom busy cleaning up your toys.

  8. We hope that you have a great visit with D and A!


  9. I luvs to make messes at homes also.... I keeps mums very very busy...

  10. Millie ~ yoo don't need beauty sleep ~ but yoo might as well have a snooze!
