Saturday, August 22, 2009

Take the Stickies.. PLEASE

OK, it's HOT. We got plenty of HOTS. We also got lots of STICKIES! I hate the stickies more than I hate the hots.Meet my new best friend... the air colditioner.


  1. We know how bad the hots ans stickies can be ! I'll bet they are really terrible in your part of the country!

  2. Oh we know hots and stickies are yucky, been so hot here to that we haven't had a window whiffy forever! You are an official cool cat!

  3. Awww sweetie, look at you all sleepy and cosy next to the AC. We don't have any air conditioning, so when it gets hot and sticky mum closes the curtains but opens the windows hoping for a breeze.

  4. We hadded open windows and doors today! It was so nice...we is sorry dat yoo gots da stickies.

  5. That looks like a good place to sleep!!!

