Monday, August 24, 2009

Millie IBOL Monday

Well, hello there!As you all know, I am an internet celebrity. I didn't ask for this. I got hitted by a car and almost went to the Rainbow Bridge. Malcolm rescued me, and lots of beans and cats on the internet contributed green papers to help pay the v-e-t bills.

As a celebrity, I feel obligated to help give back. A couple of days ago I told you all about the Iraqi Bundles of Love Project. Beans who sew and knit thought this was a terrific idea. But if your bean doesn't have roomfuls of extra fabric, it was a bit hard to contribute.

Not anymore.

Mr IBOL has made a deal with Sew, Mama, Sew, an online store, and they are offering a prepacked bundle for the insanely inexpensive price of....

Fifteen Dollars! (15USD)

For 15 US Dollars, the lovely folks at Sew, Mama, Sew will pack a bundle and send it to Mr IBOL. What's in this box, you ask?

  • Five yards of new fabric
  • 16 sewing needles in a case
  • 32 pearlized pins on a wheel
  • 1 Tomato pincushion
  • 1 pair folding scissors
  • 1 150 yard spool of white thread
  • ...AND the cost of shipping is included in the price!

They are offering 150 bundles. If you would like to contribute, click HERE to order. (You can even pay with Paypal.)

That I am alive today is proof positive that there are a lot of good people in the world, and if the IBOL project helps make the world a better, safer place for everybody, then I'm all for it.

Mom packed up two more boxes yesterday to send to Mr IBOL. One of then was -completely- filled with fleece! This is a project I really believe in.

Thanks for your support.


  1. Hi Millie,
    Rusty has supervised 4 boxes! Thanks for letting me know about Sew, Mama, Sew. Not only are you beautiful, but you (and your mama) are kind through and through. Kitty kisses!
    Rusty and Deborah

  2. Spitty-the-Kitty12:53 AM

    Well, I persuaded the Woman to order a bundle from Sew, Mama, Sew because she barely can find a needle and thread around here, and frankly the only bundle she could make is of 2-year-old magazines.

    I can't help reading IBOL as Eye-ball. Heh, heh.

  3. Hi, we just went and ordered our bundle too. We think it is a great idea, and are glad we are able to help in a small way.

    Many thanks
    julie and Poppy Q

  4. Thanks Poppy Q! **Smootchies**

  5. Thanks for the info Millie!

    Our mama just ordered a bundle to be sent over to Mr IBOL.

    What a great project. We are so glad we could help!!

    The Cyclone Cats and their mom

  6. What good news!! I just ordered my box from "Sew Mama Sew" thanks to you Millie!!

    You and your Mom are very special indeed. Thanks again for this wonderful information...


  7. You and your Mom are real special for helping like that.

  8. Thanks for the update. Since the momma's hobby of choice is jewelry, she was looking for another way to help. This is perfect. I will make her go over there this week and send a package.


  9. Thank you Millie! Even though Mom sews, she appreciates the Sew, Mama, Sew site to package this up and offer then.

  10. Millie, we went to that site the other day when you mentioned it - it is great! We are excited that there is a way for us non-sewers to help!

  11. oh wow, that is so cool! mommy uses yarn to crochet small blankets for local cat shelters to send to homes that foster kitties. that way when they go to their "forever homes" they have a special blanket that smells like them and is familiar.

    she can sew, but doesn't know how to make a cool blanket/quilt from frabric. she tried once and made a mess.

    your mommy is a very sweet person to do this. there are good people in the world and that knowledge gets us thru the day...or at least the evening news...sometimes


    when mommy goes back to work, she'll be able to donate more.

  12. Since our momma isn't one of them sewers we is gonna send her over there to do what she needs to do. Another place where the ladies really could use some help is Afghanistan. We always thought that was the name of a blanket or a dog but momma told us that it is a country where the peoples are in deep and dire need of e-furry-things☺

  13. this is amazing! We are going to make a package and send it, so cool!

  14. Dear Millie,

    I spent all day out in the HOTS stealing....OOPS....I mean SELLING my precious stash of catnip to get green papers for my MOM BEAN to send a box to MR. IBOL....SMOOCHES and SCRITCHES.....OREO in "FURR"GINIA

  15. Thanks to everybody who either bought or sent boxes to Mr IBOL!

    You cats ROCK!
