Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cold Air and Closed Doors

You all know I don't like being in a room with the door closed. This makes Mom uncomfortable at night, when she has the air colditioner going in her bedroom. So last night she hung up this fabric as a curtain. She tacked it to the partially closed door (which is why it looks so funny right now).

Such luxury! I was able to go in and out without waking her up. And I got to sleep in the nice cool bedroom last night! You should have seen her jump when I came out from behind the big chair this morning! Ha ha ha!

Today is Roxy's second Blog-o-versary! You have to go over and give her the Paw's Up for two fun years!


  1. My mum sleeps with her door open, so I can come and go as I please.

    We have no air conditioning though, and just a small radiator heater on in the winter.

  2. That was a good idea your mom had!

  3. closed doors? that never happens in our house - we just pound and holler all night.

  4. We don't allow closed doors in out house. Except when the grand kids are here.

  5. We think that your momma ♥s you furry mucho to do such a nice thing all to make you happy.

  6. We keep the door open but I use a couple fans to move the air from the ac around and keep the room cooler - it is much cooler than the hall outside so it must work. But the fabric is a great idea to trap the cold in but let the Millie out!

  7. My mommas sleeps with her door closed too!! Lucky for her I don't get up in the middle of the night. Glad your momma found a way for you to sleep in her nice air conditioned room =)


  8. What a great idea your mom had. We don't have closed doors in our house. Just baby gates to keep me and Brutus from eating the kitty food.

  9. If a door to a room gets accidentally closed at my house, I just pound and pound on it until someone opens it.

  10. What a nice thing fer Mom ta do! The Big Thing doesnt like the light what comes in the door in the morning, but he leaves it open just enough fer us ta get in an out...

  11. Our mom always leaves her door open...last night even Zippy walked all over her while she was sleeping. Or trying to sleep. Some mancat was snoring and dat kept her awake.
