Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wedding Dance!

You've probably ALL heard about this by now, but if you haven't, you simply MUST go watch this video. Go ahead. Go watch it RIGHT NOW! I'll wait.

Dancing Down the Aisle Wedding Dance

It's the one thing that made Mom laugh when she found it yesterday. She had to bring the metal macheen to be inspected and it cost her many many many many green papers. She was seriously bummed.

She's sewing today, and I'm doing what I do best.



  1. That was here in St. Paul!!!
    It was on the front page of the paper today.

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    How utterly joyful!

  3. we watched it yesterday.

  4. I teared up! It was so adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Mom saw it on the TV. Enjoy your nap!

  6. Isn't that hilarious.

  7. That wedding dance was fun and creative! Thanks for letting us know about it! We had not seen it yet!

    When Aunt Patty got married last year, she did a victory pump with her flower bouquet during the recessional. :-) (Which is about as much as you can get away with in a Catholic Cathedral.)

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

  8. We thought that video is awesome. Mommy has said her wedding party wouldn't do that :( Our mommy had to get her metal machine inspected too. It cost our mommy lots of money too.

  9. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Thank you so much for the Wedding video: I laughed a lot and I cried a little, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

  10. That is so funny! It is a good video to cheer you up when the big metal machine is broken!

  11. Angus' mom: Lynne, that was the absolute BEST video I've seen in a for-ev-er! Thank you for sharing it..And I'm sure sorry about the car.
