Saturday, July 18, 2009

A True Story

I have a story for you.

Mom works with a man named R--, whose wife, B---, has a colleague whose house burned down recently. We will call the colleague Sue.

Sue was working in her garden three days before the house burned down when she felt someone staring at her. She turned around, and a short way away was sitting a Ginger Kitty, perfectly regal and still. Sue called to the Ginger Kitty. The Ginger Kitty approached and accepted pets.

The Ginger Kitty stayed nearby, still watching. Later, the Ginger Kitty followed her into the house. Ginger Kitty didn't have a collar or tag.

Sue fed the kitty, and Ginger Kitty stayed. He watched her work in the garden, and slept on her bed at night.

One night, Sue was awakened by Ginger Kitty's frantic pawing (no claws) on her cheek. The house was on fire. Sue could hear it roaring. She woke her husband, picked up Ginger Kitty, and got out of the house safely. The house burned right down to the foundation. There was nothing left.

The insurance company brought a trailer for Sue and her husband to live in while the insurance details were sorted out. Ginger Kitty moved right in.

A few days later, one of Sue's neighbors stopped by to see if she and her husband needed anything. Ginger Kitty put in an appearance.

"Hey, that's my cat," the neighbor said. "He's been missing about a week."

"He saved my life," replied Sue.

"Well, he never did like me much, so he's your cat now."

This is a true story. Amazing, huh?

Mom loves stories about how a cat can change your life. I changed hers.


  1. That is a neat story! We love happy endings. Except for the house burning down, of course. That isn't happy. But them all surviving it, that's happy.

  2. Oh goodness! Bless Ginger Kitty's precious heart!

    Luf, Us

  3. Wow! That's all we can say!

  4. Amazing and wonderful story!

  5. What an amazing story Millie! I sit here with tears in my eyes because this story confirms my belief that cats are angels with fur...

  6. I had been praying for a baby for a long time. I prayed and prayed. I wasn't specific, however, and God sent me Rusty. Fourteen years later he is still my baby and makes everyday better.

  7. We loved that story too !!!!
    That was one smart kitty. He picked his own family :)

    Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

  8. God appears in many forms. Ginger kitty deserves some extra treats for sure!

  9. That is a very moving story! We like to hear these too! It is amazing how Ginger Kitty picked his owner.

  10. Ginger Kitty is a hero ~ how wonderful that Sue and her husband (and kitty) are safe ... thanks for sharing the story!!

  11. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Our momma says that there are angels among us - all we have to do is be still and they will appear...

  12. A very heartwarming story. Thank you for sharing.
    Perhaps you and your Mom could encourage Ginger Kitty to start a blog? I know that they would have a lot of things to cope with right now, but perhaps having a blog would help them take a break from their stress, and besides, they'd be joining a cyber-family of very caring, sharing kitties and their beens.
    Sydney, Australia

  13. Wow! What a great story! I believe in 4-legged Angels, I do, Miss Millie. I'm so thankful for Ginger Kitty. And glad that the previous owner was pleased to give up the Angel-Cat to your friend.

  14. That's a beautiful story, Millie ... Cats know who they belong with as I can truly attest. That Orinch kitty is now where he belongs an' will be appreciated.

  15. i love this story! that is truly a wonderful tale. and i agree 100% that animals change our lives in wonderous ways.
    thank you for sharing

  16. Millie,

    Thank you for sharing that story with us - Mom is all sappy eyed. She thinks kitties are the bestest anyway...and Ginger Kitty proved it...


  17. Anonymous11:08 PM

    brought tears to my eyes.

  18. What a wonderful story ~ it looks like that desr little cat found the perfect forever home.

  19. Wow, that is absolutely amazing. Thank goodness for Ginger Kitty.


  20. That's an awesome story. I hope ginger cat gets extra fancy feast every day, and loves the new home.

  21. Oh my gosh oh my gossh we crying tears of joy mama hope ginger kitty has a great new life and gret new home. PS we wonder if a car above sent ginger kitty.

    rember he had fine and saving too

    Lilly Lu

  22. Dear Ginger Kitty sure did have a purpose for being there for you. What a hero!!!

  23. Millie, thank you for sharing that amazing story!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

  24. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The ginger kitty was heaven-sent for Sue. They'll keep taking good care of each other for the rest of their lives.

    (Still, since the story had a happy ending, we can smile while thinking of what that cat might have thought: "I lived outside, and nothing happened to me. I get inside at last, and then the house burns down? What did I do to deserve this??")

  25. Hero Ginger Kittie!!! Way to go!

  26. That just warms my heart. What a kitty angel.

  27. What a wonderful story. We love stories like that. We are glad no-one was hurt. That kitty truly is a hero.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  28. That is wonderful!!!!! Ginger Kitty knew someone else needed him more!

  29. that was a mazing kitty I'd say. fings are only fings, eberyfing else can be replaced, that what sherints is for! fank heabbins that ginger kitty was there to help them git out alibe!!

    mama lubs ginger kitties!


  30. Oh my paws and whiskers, that is such a beautiful story . . . mommy is all leaky-eyed! Thank you so much for sharing.

  31. wow, what a wonderful story!!!!

  32. Oh that is a wonderful story - that kitty really is a hero!
