Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Terrible Tuesday

Hi everybody, Millie's Mom, Lynne, here. We had a big bad thunderstorm here yesterday, just about 5:00 PM local time. At work, 10 miles away, I was told to wait, as there was a big storm coming through, and driving through it would be terrible. I checked the weather website and lo and behold, a very bad storm (red area) was right on top of my neighborhood.

After waiting a bit to let it pass, I drove home. I missed all the bad stuff, but as I got off the highway, I noticed all the traffic lights were out. Indeed, all the electricity was out in a large area. I turned off the main road, hoping to avoid a traffic disaster at a big set of lights down the street from me, and drove home in a roundabout way.

Less than 1/2 mile from home, I passed an intersection that had been blocked by a large firetruck. A big tree had broken in half and fallen over some electrical wires.

I kept going.

A few blocks away I passed another fallen tree. It broke the fence, and landed on the sidewalk.Note the broken branches on the second floor porch railing.

I kept going.

But nothing prepared me for the sight of a large pine tree leaning on a house not one block away from home.
A quarter mile away, two very large maple trees fell across streets nearby.

Nobody was injured.



  1. That was a bad storm!! So glad everyone is OK!

  2. I'm glad nobody was hurt. That was scary.

  3. We are glad you and Millie are OK and do not have any damage! WE see storms like that fairly often!

  4. That almost looks like when all the hurricanes came through Orlando a few years ago.


  5. Yowza indeed Lynne. I'm so glad that you and your home are safe. I do feel for poor Millie who was home alone, as she has said in the past how much she dislikes the boom, crack storms. Please give her a big hug from me to help her recover - perhaps there's call for an extra bowl of stinky goodness??

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Wow, we have never seen a tree do that!! Glad to hear that you guys are all safe.

  7. That was a very bad storm. We are glad nobody was hurt. ~S,S,C & F

  8. How awful! I am so glad that you and Millie are OK!

  9. Anonymous9:20 AM

    What a skeery ex-purr-ience that must have been for you and how much you must have worried about what you would see when you got home! Happy to know that all is well.

  10. Wow, that was a big storm. We are super glad to hear that no-one was hurt. We hope Millie wasn't too scared.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  11. Wow...I hope their house didn't break...

  12. We're glad you had the sense to wait when you learned of the storm. And glad no one was hurt. But what a scare.

  13. It must have been a really powerful storm, because that's a huge tree!

  14. WOW!!! That's the kind of storms we get around heer! (Now y'all know why Meeko hids at the ferst rumble of thunder!) Glad yur howse is safe.
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  15. wow. we had 4 tornadoes in our area on Saturday.

    We are so very glad that you were not injured and that your house is safe .

  16. So glad that everyone is safe. Rusty says that Temptations help.

  17. Very happy and thankful you and Millie are okay. It was a weird storm ... it didn't hit us (thank goodness) - but, was stunned when I saw the 11:00 new on WMUR!

  18. wow, that was a wild storm! i hope millie was not too frightened. it's so scary when that destruction happens all around you!

  19. Goodness, it is bad when trees start falling over. Glad no one was hurt.

  20. Ooh, we got a boom that came the same time as the light. Even The Big Thing jumped. We all hid unner the bed!

  21. WOW what a storm! Glad your place is ok. Hope Millie wasn't too spooked.

  22. Wow what a storm! We are glad that everyone is ok. I hope Millie wasn't too scared - that is always my fear when I am at work and there is a storm. I worry about the kitties being scared at home.
