Thursday, July 02, 2009

Rain, Rain, Rain

Rain, rain
Go away
Come back another day month


Check this out to see how gray the month of June was.


  1. yep, same here. it's raining AGAIN today.

  2. Could you send some of that rain over here please? It's absolutely melting in London and we could really do with a nice cooling shower of rain. Although we are supposed to get a storm tomorrow!

  3. I'm with you on the rain Millie. Only I thing it should come again another year. Like maybe 2090.


  4. The first half of June was very rainy here too, but now we need more rain! We wish you could send us some - there is no chance in the forecast for a long time and the garden is really suffering.

  5. We are sorry it is raining so much there. We need the rain here but only got hot sunshine.

  6. Millie, we are sorry you are getting so much rain. Here in southern California, we typically have a gloomy June, so they call it the June Gloom. But, we rarely get rain along with the gloom. We could really use it tho, we are in a drought.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  7. yup we saw the sun for 10 mins sigh we can't belive it july mama not even broken out the shots yet

    Lilly Lu

  8. Oh Millie, I am trying to send some of our sun your way. I hope it listens to me and you have a nice sunny day soon!

  9. We had a hella crack and boom storm last night that even woke KidBean up, but it didn't do anything for the heat or humidity. I think MomBean may melt. Or stop wearing clothes. I hope she melts first...

  10. Actually, maybe we stole your sunshines today. It was cold though, we think we would rather have warm rain, than cold sunshines. Want to swap?
