Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuxie Tuesday Tussle

I promised you a story.

On Saturday, Mim-may came over to watch The # 1 Ladies' Detective Agency on TV. She brought Missy the woofie with her.

I was minding my own business, napping under the bed. Missy came looking for me, and found me. I hissed, and let her know she was invading my space. Missy wasn't too happy about it. Naturally, she tried to apologize, but I had to defend my space!

Mom heard the hissing and growling, and came looking. I had come out from under the bed, and had Missy backed into a corner. Mom separated us, and made Missy leave me alone.



  1. That's right Miss M, it is your house and the woofy better behave.

    I love the quilt with you peeking out of the window.

  2. Way to go Millie!

  3. Good job. I have my own Missy to deal with. Those Missys can definitely be a problem sometimes.

  4. good job Millie!!! way to stand up for yourself and your territory!

  5. Now Millie, I understand you has to defends your territories, but you could be a little more pawlite to your guests -- specially since you knows they are going to go home again and it's all a tempurrary situation. I understand your instincts kicked in though.

  6. Woofies can be scary! Especially if they want your special spot!

  7. NO-buddy messes with Miss Millie! The SK's mom is really into the #1 Ladies Detective books..she's readin'em on her iPod touch!

  8. Alright Millie - you show that woofie who is boss! He is in your home and needs to be nice to you - you are in charge!

  9. Wow, Millie, yoo backed a woofie into a corner? Way to show dat dawgie who's boss.

  10. I would like to see a woofie in a cornee !

  11. You go Millie!!!! That totally rocks! You rule that house with an iron paw!

  12. Good for you for backing her into a corner. We have done that a couple of times with woofies that have bothered us too much. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
