Thursday, January 22, 2009

Through With Snow on Thursday

Mom says she is through with snow.

I guess this picture shows why.

There are two more months of winter left, so I guess she better toughen up.

I am so glad I am a cat.


  1. Yup, yup, yup...

  2. We agree!!!!!!!!! When we get snow,we sometimes get rain!!! Now we have slippery ice all around us and Mom has to be so careful when she goes out. We're happy to be indoor kitties :)
    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

  3. We've only had flurries. Mommy is pretty thankful for that.

  4. Oh burrrrrrr!!! We are glad it doesn't snow here, but it was 29 degrees here last night!! Too clod for our blood!!
    Your (where is our warm weather) FL furiends,

  5. Our Momma actually *gasp* MISSES the snow!!! What's up wif that?? We agree wif you....we're glad that we're inside cats!
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  6. Tucker need to know how to get on MomWoof's good side. Tucker kindasortareallyinabigway screw up.

  7. We are heading into our snowiest months here in Minnesota. Feb & March are famous for producing big storms with lots of heavy wet snow to shovel.

  8. You gets lost os snow every winter! We dont get much here! But we are glad you are an inside cat, too! It would be too clod int ehsnow!

  9. Yikes! We nefer seen that much snow in our whole lifes...

  10. Mum agrees, but we haven't had a major snowfall since Dec 24. Just a little bit here and there, but also cold, furry cold weather.

  11. First der was a lot of snow, which is still piled up effurywhere. Den, it gots cold, furry cold! We'z tired of winter but we sure are glad to haf a nice warm home.
