Monday, January 05, 2009

Millie Monday

Mom's taking a break and sewing on an alphabet sampler quilt for herself. You can check it out here. Otherwise she is trying to get the house back to normal after all the Holiday festivities. That means she's moving stuff around. I'm just staying out of the way.

I've also been trying to get her to sit down with me in the recliner so I can sit next to her. That's been working real well. And many of these cold winter nights, I sleep next to her too. I think in another month or so her stress level will be down to a 4 or 5. It's been hovering between 8 and 9 lately, down from 10 at the beginning of December.


  1. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Humans are a good source of heat at night.

  2. Miss Millie, you and your mom take care of yourselves. We hope you get lots of relaxing time together. Me and my mum have had a very busy time recently, and we are trying to slow down too.

  3. I hope your mommy will be as relax as you are, Millie~!!!
    That is the way we call life!

  4. Millie, I think you help your Mom have less stress by laying by her!

  5. kitty snuggles are the bestest stress relievers

  6. I hope I get as comfortable with people as you are! I know it took a long time for you, too. I have been with Mom for almost a year and I still am a little shy!

  7. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Millie, you're like a therapy cat the way you help reduce stress levels. I love when my cats snooze w/us at night...I bet your Mom loves it, too.

  8. Millie
    Mom has been slowly taking down the Christmas stuff. She decided to put up the Christmas trees today. So you know what that meant? BOXES!!
    *woo hoo*
    I got to check out all of those boxes and the smells were great. I don't know where she has had those boxes but I think that there were some furry visitors to them.


  9. We love the holidays, but it sure is nice to get back to a routine.

  10. Whimpurr's stress level is slowly coming back down as well! Millie you sure look comfy there! *purrs*

  11. I know just what you mean, Miss Millie. If I get my mom to sit down, WITHOUT the computer in her lap, then I climb onto her lap and she just goes all boneless. But it doesn't happen very often!

  12. yes you are a good stress buster. Your mum has to chillax for a while.

  13. MomBean is planning to throttle the dog...she keeps looking for the marble rolling pin. Can I come over so I can't be a witness??
