Friday, January 02, 2009

Holiday Over

The stockings have been taken down. The decorations are packed. The garlands have been taken away. The Christymas lights are gone. The Christymas cards we received from our friends have been taken down. Tomorrow Mom will take apart the Christymas tree and put it in its great big box. Then the Santa will go in his box, and then all the boxes with all the decorations will be taken down to the dungeon. Even my Holiday Gizzy Quilt has been packed away.

I told Mom to keep all the cards with pictures of our friends, and we will put them up in the sewing room later. Mom's going day hunting today to end the year. It's still really cold and windy here in New Hampster, so I'm going to find a nice warm place to take a nap.


  1. Hey Millie,
    Your mom is sure fast. Our mom just keeps walking past all the Christymas and ignoring it. It'll be spring before she gets to it - betcha.

  2. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Hehe Your Momma is nice and organised! :)
    When My Momma used to put the decorations up, she used to have them down quick smart too!
    I like you idea of finding somewhere cosy to sleep :)


  3. Happy New Year Millie. Mom Finally put up our pictures of my great SP! Mom says she is going to wait to take down the decorations until Monday and then she is going to get them back in their boxes and packed away. She loves the lights so much she is not looking forward to packing everything away.

    Miss Boo

  4. Momma sez that one of the good things about moving, is that she doesn't haf to mess wif taking down any decorations now! (She only put a few up before we moved.) Stay warm!!
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  5. I didn:t mean for Mom to out it all up when I accidently pulled over the tree! Bt it is all gone! Dad went back to work, but Mom won't go till Monday!

  6. Your mum is furry fast taking down the decorations. Here in the UK it is traditional to take them down on January 6th as it is Twelfth Night. So ours will be up till them. My mum loves the Christmas tree so she wouldn't take it down before anyway. But she had to take down the decorations in her classroom on the day they broke up for holidays when it wasn't even Christmas day yet!

  7. Our mom packed everything away today too! It's furry sad that we don't have any ornaments to whap anymore...

  8. Happy New Year Millie!

    My beans are packing things up tomorrow. I'll be sad to lose my trees. Mommy will keep my cards too. She'll put them in my scrapbook.

    Thanks for yours! I love it!

    My mommy wants to learn to quilt but can't afford the local classes. She is good a sewing and has done it for years and can follow patterns. Can you recommend any good books to teach her? She tries to learn something new each year.

    Happy New Year to you and your mommy Millie!!

  9. We dint have many dekrations, but The Big Thing is gonna leave our cards on the frigiator fer awhile.

  10. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Ours have been put away for days. We usually take them down on New Year's Day, but our Grampy did it a bit earlier this year. We are saving all our photo cards we got! They are going in the family photo album!


  12. Mum has put most of our Christmas stuff away too. Just a few final things to get put away.
