Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday

Hey Mom, leave me alone! I'm waiting for the big guy in the red suit. From here I can see the tree and the fireplace, it's warm and I'm not bothering anybody.


  1. Santa is bringing us all some catnip!!

    The Whippy Curly Tails

  2. Mom saw that you were cooking snickerdoodles - they are her favorite cookie!

    Hey, a truck came and it left us a package... mom laughed and got all excited and peeked and won't let us look in it yet.

    She said to say thank you, and we don't know why! *wail*

    She said she will post pictures after Christmas. Whatever it is, in the parcel, mom was very pleased.

    Hugs and merry Christmas from the topcatrules girls - Tigger and Trixie and Pyewacket.

  3. Not much longer Millie!

  4. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Millie you look very warm and comfy and have the best seat in the house!

  5. You look chilly, sweetie. Scootch over and let this big 'ol mancat warm you up.

  6. That is some good chillaxin'!!

  7. Millie
    You're lookin good for Santa Paws!

    Hey we got our SP and I Love it...I have shared with all of brothers and sisters and I have gonna have to give MOm a big bunny kick to put the pictures up she took of me opening my box! A BIG FANK YU!!!

    Miss Boo

  8. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Millie, not long to wait. Be sure and have a wonderful Christmas wiv your lovely fambly.

    Love from Milo and Alfie and da Mom xxx

  9. Anonymous3:51 PM

    It seems like it will never get here, doesn't it Millie?

  10. It's getting close, one more day. We think we can be good fur one day...maybe

  11. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Awww Miss Millie that sounds like a extra nice spot, I thinks you should be left alone too! :)

