Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday Family Funny

Mom made Mr Big some special cookies as a Christymas present. Roxy really, really, wanted one! She didn't get a cookie, but Mom said both she and Lucky scarfed down ate some green beans and carrots yesterday.

I guess it isn't only beans that are weird.


  1. Merry ChristMAUS!
    DMM & the Feline Americans

    Did Roxy at least get to sniff the cookie fingers?

  2. I think I heard your mombean laughin' at Lucky & Roxy!

    But, what did you get. I gots a awesome secret paw! Came see.

  3. Anonymous6:08 AM

    We saw them go crazy for the green beans! And a finger tip nipped!

  4. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family!!!
    We hope is was pawsome and fun :)
    Poor Roxy,heehee

    Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie

  5. Too bad you didn't get a cookie, but I don't think they are too good for woofies. Hopefully, you got extra treats!

  6. What, no cookies!?! Hope yoo liked da green beans and carrots. We stole bacon right off da table and den Jared gave us part of his omelet and den we licked whipped cream off da desert plates...we were in a food coma for several's shaping up to be a sleepy weekend.

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    aww Cookies are not that bad, it's only chocolate that is naughty. WE likes nommy treats too! :))

