Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday

Here I am watching the picture box with Mom. Sometimes I sit next to her, and sometimes I sit here, on the back of the chair.


  1. Rudy likes to sit like that too, as a matter of fact, so does Puff. You look very nice there Millie!

  2. sitting on the back of the chair is fun. we sit back there and kick mommy in the head

  3. I watch tv all the time with my mommy. That's a great picture, Millie!

  4. I like to sit on the back on Mom's chait, too. I like her lap more, though!

  5. Scouts favorite place for tv watching is on the back of the chair behind moms head too.

  6. That looks like a great place to sit and check out the room and keep an eye on your mom.

  7. I sit up there, too, Miss Millie. Sometimes, my back foot sliiiiides down and my clawrs impale mom in the neck! She pushes my foot up and it stays there for, oh, a nanosecond, and then it sliiiides down again. We may do that for the whole show!

    BTW, your mom looks all snuggled up..is it cold?

  8. We like to sit like dat...well, maybe not Zippy. Speedy will wiggle, wiggle, wiggle until his butt is on mom's head...hehehe

  9. TV time in mine house means lap time. Its the besterest part of the day!

  10. Anonymous2:12 AM

    hehe that REALLY shows who is boss in your house ;)
    Momma says the only reason us kittehs like to be up high to be the whole king of the castle thing...
    hrrrm.. I will have to get back to Momma that one :))


  11. Trixie sits on the back of mom's chair when mom watches TV too!

    Hugs from the topcatrules girls - Trixie and Pyewacket and Tigger.
