Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Madness

Mom sewed this up yesterday. She's making another one of those silly skirts for the Christymas tree. She'll make it into a circle and add more stuff to it. You'll see.

After she did this, she went into the kitchen and cleaned it all up. She washed pots and pans, put stuff in the cabinets and rearranged all the stuff in the icebox. We watched the guys named Pat, and then she sat down to write my name a squillion times.



  1. Isn't this a fun time of year???

  2. MomBean has to do the cards for me too-the hound can get his own...

  3. That skirt looks comfy for cat-sitting, don't you think? My mom is gonna get a cramp from writing my name so often, too!

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Boy, Millie. Your Mom must be the Queen of organization, while our Mom is the Queen of Procrastination!

  5. Oooh . . . that's right! KissMoose is coming! And that means SANDY PAWS!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. It is very organised in your house. My human keeps talking about Christmas but not actually doing anything. I am sure she will get there eventually. FAZ

  7. Hey, Millie,

    JFF can't visit since I am at a neighbor's, but I wanted to say thanks to your mom for them and JFF will post those photos when I have a computer again. Soon, I hope!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Anonymous4:44 PM

    oh my goodness!! that is a love of lopes! :)


  9. Is yoor mom available to clean up our kitchen? ::what mom?:: Never mind, mom sez she'd be embarassed to even have yoor mom see it. Maybe if dad would wash up after he feeds himself...yeah, like that would ever happen.

  10. Millie! I got a holiday card from you TODAY! That is the earliest card I have got this year. Thank you so much!

  11. Wow, that looks like a cool chess Board what The Big Thing moves pieces around...
