Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday

Here's another movie, starring me, Millie! Mom was showing off her clean kitchen when I came by for my nightly treats.


  1. Millie, you are very cute asking for your treats. Cody does that too.

    Miss Jade has a small meow, and Tavi a loud one.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

  2. We get our treats early in the morning when Bob gets up and then again at about 4 in the afternoon.

  3. Millie, I love your meow! I'm pretty loud!

  4. Millie, Panda Bear thinks that you are inside the computer! He always sniffs around looking for you when he hears you meow!

    Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

  5. What a neat movie. I's gonna get Faith Boo and Sol to come watch wif me later.
    Love & Purrs,

  6. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Hi Millie! What a lovely voice you have. It's always nice to hear you.

  7. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I love the look on your face Millie... you're telling mom she has no manners to keep the camera on you in close up when you're eating!

  8. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Millie!! You get so many treats! dadda tries to give us lots like that but Momma always says "make sure they only get two at a time".. pfft to my Momma!
    I think I needz to move in over there! :)

    PES: you has such a sweet voice!! sweet dreams guyz!! :)


  9. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Nom! Nom! Nom! Your Mom was funny, Millie! She hasn't learned to set up all the props on the movie set before she rolls tape! hahaha!

  10. So glad to see pwoof dat your mom is "tweatin" you right! Ah ha ha ... I am sooooo funny! *Redfurd*

  11. You have her trained just right Millie! We just love to hear your swewt voice!

  12. I insist on getting fed my treats by hand from mum. Not just dump out on the floor.

  13. Heh. The Woman came running to see who was meowing when I was watching. And Buddah heard the treat bag crinkle and thought he was getting some. He's very upset right now!

  14. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I love the new movie, Millie! I thought momma had gone nuts and brought in another kitty. After all, I'm the king around here. :)

    Have you ever tried Kitty Kaviar? That's the only treat I like. I get some before mom & dad go to work and then again when they get home. Man, do I have them trained!!

  15. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Cute little meow!

  16. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Dat's a nice LOUD meow! And the crunching sounds are LOUD at the end too!
