Saturday, September 27, 2008

Whatever She Wants

Thanks so much for your kind words after yesterday's post. Last night Mom called Mombean and they had a nice long talk. I think they both felt better afterwards.So today, Mom is going to do whatever she wants. Naturally I will make sure to get my pets and scritches, because I know she needs those, but otherwise, she's just going to sew, bake and generally enjoy the weekend. It is rainy out, so it will be good day to do something inside that makes her feel good.

Oh, she says she is going to wash the dishes and drag the rug sucking monster around. I tried to explain the "whatever-you-want" idea does not include housework, but she says she WANTS to drag the rug sucker around. Go figure.

So anyway. What does Mom WANT to do? She is going to work on a couple of small quilts for Tonya's Priority Hope Challenge to benefit The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative. Here's one of the ones Mom is working on. She's going to add a butterfly or flower in that big empty space under the letter "H".

Google is celebrating its 1oth birthday today. Mom uses Google as her home page because she likes to see the Google Doodles that happen every now and again. They are doing one today,

and you can look at the special Google Doodles designed over the years. So Mom will be checking that out later. She'll also be reading Google's own blog about it.

And tomorrow Mr Karate and his friends Rhette and Sharon will be visiting, so that will be nice.


  1. Yay! A day to do whatever she wants!

  2. Good plan for your Mom to do whateve she wants...hope she enjoys the day. Our Mum likes that quilt with hope on it - very artistic.


    Gypsy & Tasha

  3. Wait, yoor mom gets to do whatever she wants and she's gonna drag da rug sucker around? Sheesh, she's as weerd as our mom.

  4. I am with you Lynne. I've been feeling blue too and stressed about the economy as well. Being only 27 and living in California, with the price of houses out here, I'll probably be renting my entire life! Also I move in 2 weeks and that is way stressful...but I have to say sometimes cleaning makes me feel a little better too - go figure!

  5. ((((((hugs)))))) and sandpaper kissies from alla us!

  6. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Hooray for whatever she wants! Mom says that hardly ever happens to her.

  7. Enjoy your day Millie's Mom. I'm sorry you're feeling a bit down. I think these are rather dismal times. The utility company has more than doubled my monthly electricity bill. I've yet to see what they do with my gas bill, which is what I use most of in the winter to fuel the central heating and heat the water. Everything is going up in leaps and bounds except income:-( Take care:) xxx

  8. I think that H needs some tabby. :)

  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    That is so very good you got your Momma to talk abotu it! And even better than it helped a lot :)
    But make sure she keeps talking about it when she wants to :)
    We hopez your MOmma sticks to the plan today!!
    Haha and My Momam feels better when the house is nice a clean too :))

    Has a wondderbubble day you both!! :)


  10. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Mom said that sometimes rain just feels right - so I hope your rainy day was as good as rainy days can be. And remember, the sun always comes out again eventually.

  11. When mine mombean is blue or upset about something I just sit on her and make her hug me so I can 'snurffle' her ear. That always makes her laugh. Hey, that's mine job! I'm CMO --- Cat Moral Officer and I's take mine work very seriously.

  12. I hope your mom had a really wonderful day, doing whatever she wanted to!
