Thursday, September 11, 2008


Mom is truly losing it. She made these two tiny quilts. She calls them pot holders. How these things hold pots I have no idea. Nor do I care to know.

Makes me glad I am a cat.


  1. Anonymous3:21 AM

    They are neat tiny quilts! I don't know why she calls them pot holders, I mean butt holders I could understand...
    I like to sit on Mommas tiny kitchen quilts to save my furry bits getting cold sitting on the cold bench top :)

  2. Mommy says that they are art work and beautiful!

  3. Those are sew pretty!

  4. Hey, those could be Gizzy's for hamsters! Or other small furry things! I'll help test'em out..::saunters over to Emma and Rachel's cage::"Looky here girls, I've got somethin' for ya..!"

  5. those is purrty!!!! mommy wears "mr oven mitt" to hold the pots

  6. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Purrty! Mom use to make them a squillion years ago. These would make very nice raffle items! Just saying.

  7. It's never a good idea to try to understand our beans!! They are just strange characters ;)
    All that matters is that we get scritches and treats :)
    Purrs Mickey

    PeeEss: Mom likes the potholders too :/

  8. Auntie, Mom needs some blue potholders. That would be a nice Christmas gift.


  9. My mommy squealed! She loves them.

    Ivy would probably love them too. She's forever tossing mommy's potholders out of the kitchen drawer.

    (Parker you kill me . . . "sew" pretty! HAHAHAHAHAHA! <3)

  10. Mommy is ooohhing and aahhhing over them. We do not get it either. What does a quilt have to do with a pot? Beans is weird!!

  11. Those are purrty.

    Luf, Us

  12. Those are very cute! We wonder if anything else can be held with them.

  13. Your Mom is so talented Millie. But you already knew that didn't you sweetie.

  14. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Very cute :)

  15. Hey Millie, tell yer mom those tiny quilts are perfect for me, your mom is not losing the head!

  16. Anonymous5:24 PM

    The only thing wrong with those is they are WAY too pretty to use! I manage to burn my potholders (better than burning myself, surely, although I manage to do that from time to time as well). Pretty kitties sit on pretty Gizzys so that's acceptable use.

  17. Maybe there's a zipper in the back so she can out her pot in there?

    Oh...the Woman just told me NOT THAT KIND OF POT.


    Sorry 'bout that.

  18. We agree, they are kind of small. Mama says they are so pretty...she wishes she could make things like that, but she has no talent.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    Sammy, Festus & Emma

  19. Um, mom haf some of dem but dey ain't as purrty as those.

  20. Sell! Sell!

    "Are we at the stock market, Mom?"
    "No dear, just trying to put an idea into Millie's mom's head..."

    That is the best idea I have seen in so long! In fact, since the invention of the Gizzy quilt. :)

    Please sell them. I think you have a winner there. :)
