Monday, July 28, 2008

Not Monday - GIRLSDAY!

This is SheBean and Sprout! SheBean's really cool. Mom made some Cheddar Cheese Bread. SheBean tasted some and asked Mom, "Can you stay?" Mom laughed. Mom told Auntie Karate when they talked on the phone, Auntie said, "I'll go down and fight DadBean. -I- want you back home!"

Yesterday, Mom made some cookies. When SheBean tasted one of these, she said, "I'd fight Auntie Karate to keep you. I'd probably lose, but it would be worth the fight." Mom thought that was -really- funny, but she says she loves home, and home is in New Hampster.

I love Sprout. Sprout loves Mom. Sprout is always happy when Mom is holding her. That makes Mom really happy.

The beans went out for fish last night. Everybody ate fish, but Sweetbean REALLY ate some fish. She tried some of Mom's fried scallops... (and liked them.)

Next, she did something that would make Max jealous. She ate some of SheBean's real live dead shrimp! She ate it as fast as SheBean could peel it. And she kept eating it.I'm tellin' ya, I'm falling in love with SweetBean. Monty Q sure is One Lucky Guy!

And replacement disguise is almost ready! But I gotta tell ya, if Monty loves me as a bunny, he's gonna love me no matter -what- kind of a disguise I have. I am -so- lucky!

Mom and I are having such a great time in Mary-land. It's a great relaxing vacation for Mom. And (ahem), I am enjoying my quiet times with my sweetheart.


  1. Anonymous12:21 AM

    I have to say that SweetBean is pretty darn cute!

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Those are some pretty cute sticky beans. Tickle-Tickle!

  3. I could be best friends 4-evah with SweetBean! Millie, your trans-Millie-cation is complete! And you look smashing, dahlink!

  4. I hear the beans are leaving this afternoon...>:)

  5. We would keep you too. hehehe
    Lucky SweetBean to get real live dead shrimps too!

  6. Ya gotta love any kid who will eat real live dead shrimps! We heard a rumor dat we might get another baby around here...another grandbaby!

  7. What lovely pictures of a lovely family!
