Mom and Mr Karate will be tying the HAM Meezer Quilt today. Here are the steps. As Mom and Mr Karate get more done, I will add pictures to this post, so check back later. Mom is eager to finish the quilt and send it flying to Mary Kay. I bet Mary Kay is pretty excited, too!
Mom irons the backing of the quilt. The backing of this quilt is 108" wide, and about 3-1/4 yards long, so it is really really big.

Next, Mom moves the furniture in the table room to one side, and then she sweeps the floor so it is clean and dust free.

Mom tapes the backing to the floor with blue painter's tape. This way the backing stays nice and flat and it doesn't move. It also means I can't play the slip and slide game. Bummer.

Mom marks the centers of each side with tape shaped like a "V." This will help to center the quilt on the backing.

Next, the quilt is folded inside out, and its centers are marked also. Then the quilt is laid out on top of the backing, and centered.

Sometimes it needs to be adjusted. Mom wanted the quilt moved to the left 1". It's easy to do when the backing is taped to the floor.

Mom needs at least 6" around all 4 sides of the quilt, so she has enough fabric for her binding.